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Everything posted by TayHongSiang

  1. i have used squareback anthias to cycle my tank, and they were added after either 4th or 5th day, although this would be seen as crazy by most people here....and today they are still alive and kicking. i think your anthias looks more like evansi....anyway, anthias prefer to live in groups...if u just keep 2 or 3, they will hide most of the time especially if they are the only fishes in your tank. just keep in mind for big tanks...u need to keep 5 females to 1 male or 10 females to 1 male to ensure survivability in the long run. But some reefers managed to keep just one or 2...there are always exceptions. anyway all the best for your reefing experience....do keep us updated.
  2. went down to RB just now....nothing much left. Just some china made pumps and T5 tubes and 3ft T5 fixtures from aquazonic. u have to call b4 u go down....but i dun think there r things for u to get...
  3. SEALIFE the best LFS in balestier has lots of small, medium and large queen angels! small size turtle tangs, pakistani butterflies, japanese anthias, very nice alpha male lyetail anthias, pui pui shoulder tangs, sri lankan powder blues - small and big, mckosker wrasse, etc.....go down n see...regret, not my fault...
  4. i think i warn u b4....elephant ear is not like those shrooms...they behave like anemone
  5. must be in a happy mood...take pics for us to c
  6. the blue gonio is soooooooooo.....piao liang u so nice ar....everytime take pics for us to drool....
  7. is that yr face there or wat?.....reduce yr po4 level
  8. haha..it will lah...i brought in a mermaid before and left it in my boote...becoz i nearly bang into it
  9. my dad buys fishes and meat from the other side..no problem at all, as these are for home consumption. its up to the officer's discretion. if it is just one or 2 clams, i dun think u will get into any shiit...just tell the officer its for personal consumption. i have bought fruits before...no issue either. just dun try to convince them its for personal consumption with a few cartons of clams and fishes...
  10. good article.... one of my carnation tree melted....
  11. u can now upgrade yr lightings to 2 x 400W
  12. mike, u sound like my ex-boss...urologist....i hope u're not the one...
  13. in the olden days, the sailors saw these fishes in the sea and they look like butters swimming..so these sailors decide to call them butterfly fish....u have to understand those were the days where there were no goggles...so when the sailors were looking at these fishes with their bare eyes, they look like butter...if u dun believe me...try that at home...submerge yr head inside your tank and open yr eyes...n look at yr butterfly fishes
  14. must have been fed well....use satay stick and poke it
  15. how about feeding them with bio pellets? will it work or they will grow even bigger?
  16. this is so funny!....muahahahahaha!!! squeeze some for me and put some ice please...tdy's weather very hot how about using satay stick to kill it?
  17. if its those big and scary ones...u have to use epoxy and just stick over it to kill them..otherwise, take that piece of infested alien rock and cook it...once these aliens start to split and spread....it will be very hard to control...and they can move and float around....n build colonies...those small baby aliens u can use lime / lemon juice and squeak directly at them and they will melt...
  18. me and my gal still enjoy these cartoons...they r classic! nowadays, i c the cartoons is mostly, boom, bam, zoom, kaboo...piu piu piu....so much violence...
  19. for me is...the hose connecting the feeder pump came off... but the strange thing abt my skimmer is....whenever i do WC..it will stop skimming for 30mins - 1hr b4 it starts to skim again...
  20. your water surface looks dirty or perhaps not enough flow.... ever thought of keeping golden butterfly again?
  21. your CBBF looks skinny...is it feeding? cd be a sign of ill health
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