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Everything posted by TayHongSiang

  1. Anybody tried Reefmax? Just curious. I used coralife...does not really dissolved easily, so i have to put a pump and run the water for 1-2days before using, but still see some remaining salt at the bottom. Think i will switch to tropic marin next month since the feedback is good. ME salt cannot find...AM got sell, but have to travel to Tg Katong.
  2. Sulphur denitrator is known to lower yr pH level. You can check out Deltec website. There's no perfect solution, you solved the nitrate problem, but another problem will come. That's y if you use denitrator, you also have to install calcium reactor...that's how they earn your money bro...haha
  3. You got use activated carbon? This medium will produce phosphates.
  4. Reefing is harmful when they land on Vlamingi_cont's hands...haha.
  5. Raise yr carbonate alkanity level. after some time coraline algae will form.
  6. hi bro, One of the source of phosphate is from rocks, this one cannot be help as this is a natural occurance even in natural sea environment. Phosphate in the natural stimulaed algae growth, to feed organisms such as plankton, sea mammals and fishes. Another source is excess nutrients in your water. Unless u get a phosphate and denitrator double chamber reactor and fix it in your sump. But its quite an investment. I do switch on my ozoniser 3-4 times a week for 4hrs. But it remains to be proven to reduce phosphate level as i have not really monitor its effectiveness in this area. Perhaps, you check whether yr algae growth is getting beyond yr tolerance. If yr algae is well control, i think there is nothing to worry about.
  7. Hi Reefers, Just curious to know how many hobbyist manage their LPS corals under their care.
  8. I have no worries. Have been controlling budget and only buy good and healthy corals selectively.
  9. Thanks Bro for your advice. Managed to get a Toyota engine at 1500L/hr to drive it. Very quiet also. Can see greenish form coming out....satisfied with the new engine.
  10. Low light, low water flow + dose of iodine supplement to maintain colour + temp maintain at 27 n below. Water dirty is ok. But there are different school of thoughts when comes to lighting...some websites say MH is good. You can check out this site: http://www.ricordea.org/mushroom_coral/ricordea_lighting.htm I failed...so i am going to try Rics again this time. Saw some really big ones at Jiireh.
  11. Yo brothers, i am using weipro 2011, but my dophin pump (850litre/hr) like not enough power to drive the skimmer. Any recommendations? Aquabee or Ehiem models?
  12. Very good! I wonder is it difficult to keep Montipora? Wanted to get this baby, but scared later die in my hands.
  13. I noticed my zoas after a few weeks, some of the polyps dun really open anymore. Have been advice have to target feed them?
  14. For me, i put off having chiller. Instead i used cooling fans to bring my temp to 27.
  15. I have not been to Aquamarin and Iwarna, as i stay in the Central-West area, so cannot comment. I have been to Jiireh...i must admit that they have quality LS and corals, though their shop is a bit small and dun have much equipments. They have a very hardworking assistant, Jimmy. I like his service...very good. Usually the boss give discounts to clear stocks. So if you go on certain days, you can get quite good quality LPS at a discount. I bought some mushies from them...keep blooming and growing...very happy with their stocks. Reborn has a wide selection of fishes and corals. And their prices are quite reasonable. But they dun really have rare corals for those very serious marine hobbyist. Equipments also limited. Another place not mention is Reef Depot at Sin Ming. The shop is well-stocked with high end equipments. LS not many. Not a place for people who are looking for cheap stuffs.
  16. Hi I'm interested....can i have a snap shot of skimmer? I will sms u to confirm once i have the pic...coz dun want to travel so far.
  17. Sorry to hitchhike yr post... Anybody saw any shui shui montipora cap recently? Preferably west side... Searching for this baby to add into my collect-siong.
  18. Bro, How much you paid for these? Just curious to know....planning to add some LPS.
  19. If yr I-box is still unsold, put me on the next waiting list...i'm very keen. (9777 2122). I want the i-box and pipings, thats all and willing to pay $50 for it.
  20. I also encounter this "problem"...dun worry...nothing wrong...if smell rotten means mati...if not its their method of reproducing. Dun worry....they are perfectly alright.
  21. i have been using reefmax from jiireh. My mushrooms are growing and splitting new ones, so should be quite good loh. Remember to off yr skimmer and filter for at least 1 hr during feeding.
  22. Refer to this link: http://www.uvi.edu/coral.reefer/bleach.htm Corals bleached is not only caused by strong lightings alone. Dose zooplankton / phyplankton shd be fine. And place them in low / moderate currents. Most Hammers are found in shallow waters in their natural habitat. You can imagine the sunlight hitting on them and the amt of UV they are exposed to, in their natural environment.
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