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Everything posted by TayHongSiang

  1. Ya true...think u better get rid of yr anemone. 1ft tank cannot keep too much live stocks...most you can keep are mushies and zoas and some small peaceful LPS corals.
  2. Post some pics of yr tank and octo will be better for lau jiaos (referring to those experts) here to diagnose the problem for you...meanwhile you can add some calcium buffer to stabilise yr pH or change yr brand of DI water lo...i used ntuc & life brand.
  3. Looks delicious! haha...very few clam shipment nowadays...they certainly add colours to the tank.
  4. Wow!..I din know Alpheus distilled water pH can be so high....like that should be bad for human consumption...should be neutrel at 7? no? Coz distilled water should be pure, free from calcium and dissolved minerals....so pH should not be so high leh?!
  5. Bali Shipment from Reborn today.... I have not go down yet...but i think shd be quality stuffs.
  6. For 2 and 3 ft tanks...still ok....but if you have 4ft tank, u need 2 x 2ft oceanus fixture. That's y reefers are still using MH + T5 for big tanks.
  7. Feed seaweed to yr tangs...sure finish clean clean.
  8. Too long already bro...will cause cyno algae.
  9. bro lemon, wahh..harvested some gems so fast from ML har...
  10. LED certainly more shui....hope i can afford LED lighting when i upgrade...price for branded LED just too expensive.
  11. Tip:- When you introduce any new corals....try to put them into the tank when the lights are off. Ideally in the evening to prevent "shocking" coz zoas and other softies will release toxins during handling or new environment.
  12. GO having sale....3 blastos for $100, etc....saw the advertisement on another local reef website
  13. Use a empty 1.5 litre distilled water container, cut the bottom and target feed yr coral in peace thru the open cap...haha..
  14. Yr anemone not fighting with other corals right? When did you bought the anemone?
  15. It will eat other small fishes in yr tank...its predatory...thats y sell to you...hahahaha You just see the mouth you know its predatory liao....like those groupa like that.
  16. Can...absolutely no problem. Blue actinics, besides to make yr corals look more shui especially those green in colour..it's to make yr corals more blue lo... Usually combine with white / daylight...as white / daylight is for growth.
  17. kinda starting to confuse yr tank with brother lemon...bcoz very similar...except you do not have elegance.
  18. Once yr yuma start to melt..they will smell n rot and affect the rest of yr softies (can feed them to your LPS corals..haha)....i suggest you take it out and nurse it separately if you intend to save them. But if they eventually melt in yr tank, yr skimmer will skim out the waste.
  19. Bicolour blenny is good for eating algae on the glass panel...i have one in my tank...quite a cuttie. But harder to find. bicolour_blenny.bmp
  20. Nice green stripe mushies u have there. Dottyback will eat these worms....they will swim into the live rocks to hunt.
  21. Boon Keng MRT has a shorter walking distance....after reborn can cheong GO....just take bus 133 from lavender.
  22. Bro RedDevils, So yr new setup is mainly SPS or LPS + Softies? something like that below?
  23. Bro, how come yr hammer so cute? haha...baby hammer?
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