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Everything posted by TayHongSiang

  1. Once the GSP starts to spread...lagi shui like green green grass...
  2. It's true...too much calcium, mushies will melt...happen to me...esp the super mushrooms and rics...they are more sensitive. Discosoma still ok.
  3. If they are brought here by LFS, they will not be in a colony....too expensive liao...at least $500 and above. One frag already $100 plus...
  4. Wow! nice super red brain you got there! koochi koochi...shui man...any more nice brains at iwarna? I think i muz go there man...GO is bit expensive unless they got left over to clear before new shipment.
  5. Overall, thumbs up for your tank! Yr tank seems cloudy or is that yr pic quality? Curious?!...how you manage to keep yr angels with yr bubbles and fox corals har...i tot they will nip at them.
  6. bro reddevils, FTS leh? keeping everyone in suspense har...
  7. I tested our tap water...nitrate is zero. I do not think there are nitrates and phosphates in our tap water coz they are harmful to humans too. Moreover our tap water has also went thru intensive filteration before is it useable. The only thing is chloride and chlormine in the tap water to kill gems and bacteria.
  8. No problem bro....MP4 confirm no problem.
  9. Mine is not the magnetic one...its the suction type that mount on the glass panel. Let me know when u want, its too powerful for my tank...can c my mushies all want to fly liao. Kept in cupboard, as good as new.
  10. i can pass mine to u if you want...its the sun sun brand, 3000l/hr.
  11. Ohh..i know wat u mean by "stabbing" motion....ok ok...yr cleaner shrimps not eating yr zoas...they are trying to search for food stucked in between the corals sometimes...thats y they are called cleaner shrimps...
  12. Dun think so...cleaner shrimps only feed on dead organisms. Cd be the polyps are "sick"... They will go on top of the polyps to search for food, but definitely not to eat the polyps. Check the health of yr zoas....those indon zoas cannot make it...seems to be infested with disease. Wat type of zoa u bought? eagle eye, lemon green, red devil eye...??
  13. Post some pics to let us see how bad yr situation...If it is not that serious, just get a scrup to clean it off or a siphon. Otherwise, red slime remover will do. Phosphate, nutrients, nitrate, waste, fish food...all these contribute to increase level of nitrogen which is a ""fertiliser" for algae. Nitrogen is the main source of plant growth in nature.
  14. India da?...(sounds like M1 advertisment)..i tot u in sgp? You can go for the dymax model....frankly, red sea prizm has not been getting good reviews in US. So, between the 2, must well get the cheaper one.
  15. yeah...waiting for yr pics...i mean yr tank pics.
  16. It's called dymax nano skimmer...looks exactly like tunze nano..why dun you check out at reborn.
  17. Very simple...u pluck in yr phone to your pc / laptop..then copy that video into yr pc/ laptop. Go to youtube, create a video, search for your file and upload yr video from yr pc / laptop. Check out my FTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6BLXg48QFg
  18. True...some how indon zoos cmi one...
  19. haha...yo brother...your coralife kill zoos...mine is a colony of rics. Now i prepare my salt water using empty 1.5l bottles and leave them for 48hrs before using. Scared to use coralife liao....
  20. Just use hands to pluck them out or use an old toothbrush to brush them will do. Green algae vs brown algae...i rather have green algae...tangs will feed on green algae.
  21. either AM@katong or Henry, ML@Hong Leong Another brand u can source for is giessmann, spells something like that, almost same price from germany...sold at reef depot @ thomson rd.
  22. hahaha..that pork belly uncle that is always w/o shirt on...yaa..he's quite nice, always relag outside the backdoor...din c him around lately.
  23. You can check out Aqua C / Tunze nano..reviews for this brand is better than red sea prizm. Alternatively, you can check out Dymax nano skimmer that looks like Tunze which only cost $68, i think. Reborn has it.
  24. Coralife is still popular in US. I use coralife additives like idoine...but salt is a no no...the residue killed my softies. You can check out LFS like reborn \, AM and ML, they have quite a varieties of salt.
  25. Yup..same experience with coralife...open up the packaging and the salt are "lumped" together..hard time scooping the salt. After mixing, always have residue left behind. Use a pump to circulate the water, also no use. The when pour into tank, water becomes cloudy bcoz of the residue and some of my mushies vomit and die because some of the residue went into their mouth. So i switched to Reefmax 4 months ago....so far i like it...only $48/$49 for 11kg. (40% cheaper than tropic marin)
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