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Everything posted by TayHongSiang

  1. Using Seachem pH buffer with seachem carbonate...good!
  2. Ya..good thing i hold back. Coz i saw the wattage seems low.
  3. hi, what model is yr aqua C and how long u have that? wat price u are looking at to let go this skimmer?
  4. Ok thanks for yr advice....coz i ask the LFS whether can use it for SPS..he asked me back wat is SPS... And i saw is 11W and the LED fixture looks impressive with 3 rows of LEDs.
  5. I can collect from you the hopar light fixture...cash on delivery tdy evening...if u dun mind deal at jurong east coz bukit panjang very lehcheh...muz take LRT. SMS me at 9327 2967
  6. The LEDs are more than that...its like every 1cm one LED and the total length of the fixture is 2ft and 3 rows of LEDs.
  7. Ho say!! good good...pure LED huh...roughly how much u know? and the watt?
  8. Any brothers here can tell me whether 11W LED 2ft in length (not too sure how many LEDs are there, but i saw 3 rows of LED) is strong enough for height of 1ft plus? Saw this LED lighting at East Ocean Aquatic Trading @ havelock rd, selling at $100 plus.
  9. lolx...thanks bro....i think i am obessessed with blasto and acans now!!!
  10. Yup..get a strong cooling fan or cheela (chiller for proper english). At least maintain yr temp at 28 degrees. 4 HO T5s is sufficient or a 150W MH. Depending on yr preference for T5 or MH.
  11. Nice zoas you have there....feel like stroking them with my hands...haha...din know SL got sell zoas..last time went there only fishes and mushies.
  12. Algae blenny will help...just that they are quite shy and timid...i have one in my tank to help control green algae. Tangs will also help to control. Turbo snails will take some time. Btw, did you use tap water to mix yr salt or distilled water?
  13. Thanks bro...gonna get 2 sets of that dynamic lights...haha...solid bright!
  14. No worries, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and preference for certain LFS. You are just giving yr frank opinion...np...keep us posted on yr progress...hehe...it's always good to c new set-ups...
  15. Ok sounds like you have high taste brother...haha..why dun to check out Reef Depot, but tdy they are closed. I can't really tell you the damage as i dun want any misunderstandings, u know wat i mean. You can get AM to do the set-up for you, but for the livetocks and how you want to place yr rocks and all that, you can DIY yourself as you like it...if u are afraid it end up like phua chu kang.
  16. You can approach AquaMarin, Janet for quotation or Henry of MarineLife. Both are sponsors of SRC. If you want solid high end state-of-the-art shit...approach Reef Depot.
  17. Bro, may i know where u get that dymax LED light?
  18. Try biohome....place them in your sump. You can put the biohome in a small basket / filter bag then place them in yr sump. I m using that right now. Every week just take out and rinse lightly with yr old water will do.
  19. Yr water parameters need not be in almost perfect conditions for montipora, so long no brown algae growing everywhere and yr phosphate level is low. You can checkout superman montipora...they are damn beautiful! http://www.worldwidecorals.com/ (<----- check this web out man)
  20. bro Slow, i have been following yr thread on the other forum too. It's great you are posting here...your dedication and care to these non-photosynthetic corals are admirable man...and solid photography skills too!
  21. You can minimise expenditure by getting the essential stuffs like main tank, sump tank, pipings, lightings, skimmer, wavemaker and cooling fan. Later on, you can add FR, calcium reactor, kalk reactor, blah blah blah..and the list goes on. But getting hook into this hobby is priceless.
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