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Everything posted by klyve

  1. ah beng selling for around $2 to $3 a piece if im not wrong..
  2. Zoas 1>$20 front and back pic Zoas 2>$35 Whole Colony Zoas 3>$35 whole colony Zoas 4>$30 Zoas 5>$20 Zoas 6>$15 Brain > $25 Radioactive birdnest >$15 Collection at sengkang..Cheers
  3. hi got this eheim 1262 for sales nt for fussy buyer as the front cover lost and the back cover using silcon to glue it together but other then this the pump is funcitioning prefectly.Going for $70 Eheim 1250 selling for $45 OR3500 selling for $90 Collection at sengkang..Cheers
  4. upzz for u bro..Will drop by ur house next week and drool on ur sps....
  5. No worries bro catch up with u other times... Upzz for my prata sorry for the poor quality phot..actually the colour should be reddish brown and center green...If nobody interested i might keep it..Cheers
  6. upzz for u bro,believe u will come back even with bigger setup.. All the best..
  7. hi selling the below for $90 collection at sengkang,can contact me at 92987718 to deal..Cheers
  8. Thanks bro cedric for the frags they are all growing well...
  9. Sis no problem buy until no place to put ur gems can put inside my tank..Kee Kee
  10. Wow sis have to camp outside ur house for frags.........
  11. Upzz for u bro...thanks for the frags that got from u are growing well...Oh as for the zoa will only frag next week then will pm u cause busy making some changes on my sump...Cheers
  12. Thanks for the interest eveybody yellow acropora and elegant sold..Left the purple acropora pending for collection....
  13. Thanks bro..Both acroporas currently reserved..Left the elegant...
  14. Oh forgot to put.. Collection will be at sengkang (Anchorvale Link)Can contact me at 92987718 for a fast deal...
  15. No lay.. anyway i gg to install the temperture controller which will cut off my MH in cause the chillier spolit..Does this help? BTW will frag out the zoa for you this few days...
  16. think mine eat their own flesh cause i didnt feed them....But suprising from the die off a few new heads came out.... Bro so when can i go over...
  17. Aound 5inches across Around 9 inches across acropora 1 for $35 2 for $50 MWTS Elegant open up to 9inch across...Offer me a price....Will try to take a better picture tonight...Cheers
  18. schooling chromis can see how many together...
  19. Blue eye anthias only manage to capture only 2 together..Hopfully they will all schooling....
  20. Candy Cane Wrasse Flame Hawk... Mandrain.. And my PBT...still have abit of itch But its feeding well with me for about 3mts plus...
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