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Everything posted by klyve

  1. Bro nice talking to u saw us ur latest FTS lay..
  2. Thanks bro ur tank also very swee...Got any zoa wan to trade?
  3. Thanks Bro still got alot to learn from u...And also thanks for those beautiful frags hopefully they can blossom in my tanks..
  4. aussie shipment just came from CF.. They were unpacking the stuff lots of good stuff.tomorrow then start selling..
  5. side view of the tank.. FTS for the year of 2010...
  6. just brought a new addition fish on the weekend...
  7. some more... [attachmen t=126227:Picture_052.jpg]
  8. Been some times since i last updated...random shots of the zoa.... [attachmen t=126219:Picture_042.jpg]
  9. ok np cheers good pricing for the carbon...U are the man....
  10. OR3500 - reserved by icethron Eheim 1250 - $40
  11. Bro dont so humble lay..u are the master of SPS and zoa also lor...All the good stuff always make me drool when i went over to ur house lor....
  12. Upzz for the pumps -OR3500 & Eheim 1250
  13. upzz for u bro,thanks for the Purple polyped digitata it's doing great in my tank the colour is showing up...
  14. 1262 sold... Now left with OR3500 and ehiem 1250
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