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Everything posted by klyve

  1. My FTS after adding somemore rocks on the right hand side....
  2. Wow nice zoa collection u have....and also ur red carpet..
  3. Wow bro ur zoa collection same as ur sps collection...All exotic..
  4. Bro from my understanding is that low light become purple hearted high light become joker play thats what happen to mine when i shift it to high.....
  5. Wow bro just love every of your tanks.....So niceeeeeeee............... Time to paid you a vist..........
  6. Wow scare the hell out of me....Cause when i got the pellet my skimmer also stop skimming for 1 week days.I just took out the pellet and burn as what the video saw and lucky mine the result is the same as the original pellet shown on u tube.. I got mine from Irwana the 2nd batch....
  7. thanks bro...let me know when to collect..Cheers
  8. thanks bro for the support.... u have PM...
  9. Upzz less then 4hrs left..
  10. Taken under blueplus lighting...Upzz less then 4hrs left..
  11. Thanks for the upz....Bidding end today at 2300hrs...
  12. Thanks bro,upz for the morning...Bidding end today at 2300hrs..
  13. Upzzzz....Bidding end today at 2300hrs
  14. Zoa F still avaviable... $30
  15. Sorry for those i didnt reply cause got too many SMS... All zoa are sold or reserved will let u guys know again if any buyer backs out..Cheers
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