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Everything posted by klyve

  1. Up for u bro... Sad to know that u are decomming....
  2. bro u got all the equipment already, just missing out the seeds.... Pass you some seeds to poison U first!!! Anyway your regal reef safe?? thinking of getting 1......
  3. Latest addition.... Not shy and doesnt go into hiding!!!! staying in the open when i release it... Best of all feeding on pellets immediatly.... :ThanxSmiley:Thanks bro peacemaker Dont come NEAR ME!!!!
  4. Have the below for sales!!!! A frag selling for $30(orange Zoa) B frag selling for $30 Collection at sengkang(anchorvale link)
  5. Wow bro nice tank!!!! Your old setup pix looks stunning!!!! Cant wait for your new setup.... Must dropby your place once it's done up, going to be a stunning tank!!!
  6. Selling my RICS consist of 3 small rocks... A selling for $150 B selling for $150 C selling for $150 Take all special price at $400 Collection at sengkang(anchorvale link).... for viewing
  7. Hi selling all my Rics with around 20pieces... Attached are the photo of all the rics taken with flash!! Offer me a resonable price and i will let go.. view before commit!!! Viewing & collection at sengkang ( anchorvale link) All are taken when lights came on for less than 20 mins they will all fully open and cover up the rocks.. Full Shots!! Closed up Shot!!
  8. Hi have the following for sales!!! above is the mother colony... Each frag selling for $15 All with muti branches around 3" Selling the frag circle red for $15 Stag selling for $40 for the who;e colony... Noted the body is baby blue under high light... collection will be done at sengkang (Anchorvale Link)
  9. thanks bros for the kind word... EZs zoa sold...
  10. Hi Bro/Sis now tank now is full of Nuisance Algae bloom out of the sudden Below are the pic to show some the rocks with the algae. Any ideal how to get rid of these algae??
  11. Blueberries - $30 EZs - $30 KeddRedd - $10 Mean Green - $25 King Midas - $50 All the above are are the frag im selling Collection at Sengkang(anchorvale Link)
  12. bro sad to heard about your loss. It also happen to me before when my chiller went down and klii all my corals collection overnight so i can felt your pain. Dont worry i believe that u will come back even stronger!!!
  13. Added some corals..... Is this rare or common???
  14. Update after i clean up the algea on the glass....
  15. Longnose sold.. Price reduce... Japanese Swallowtail Angel $30 Aust misbar black clown $45
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