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Everything posted by klyve

  1. 1 ) lime in the sky - $50 2 ) red stag - $180 3 ) magnificent - $100 4 ) RBM - $150 5 ) lumis green Aussie $15 6 ) pink tip with light green body - $80 7 ) $50 8 ) Tuti futtie -$15 Wysiwyg. Collection at sengkang. Thanks for viewing!!
  2. 1,7,8,9 sold.. Rest still available..
  3. 1,5,6,7,8,9 sold. Upzz for the rest to clear.
  4. Have the following to clear for sales!!!! 1 ) forest digi - $10 2 ) Aussie stick - $15 3 ) no id - $20 4 ) RBM - $150 5 ) red dragon - $30 6 ) Walt Disney - $60 7 ) yellow elegant - open up 2 full hand - $150 8 ) scolly - $150 9 ) pink rim Aussie acans , palm size - $160 10 ) green outer Aussie acans - around palm size. - $130 11 ) tutti fruiti - $15. 12 )Forgot the name , $15 Collection at sengkang... Thanks for viewing
  5. All fishes reserved.. Thanks..
  6. Upzz.. Yellow belly blue tang $70 Koi tang $230
  7. 1 ) Yellow elegant 2 palm size when open. Selling $180 2 ) Aussie acan around palm size. $180 3 ) all are Aussie acans.( Btw a , b , c got it was rainbow acans. I pay more then the price I'm selling. ) A ) $100 B ) $70 C ) $150 D ) $130 E ) $130 Collection at sengkang. Cheers
  8. Upzz.., Anthis & hybrid brown tang reserved.. Upzz for the rest
  9. Have the below for sales to reduce bio load. Once there's interest will then trap the fishes.. all fishes have been with me for more then 4 months.. all stable and eat like pig. 1 ) hybrid brown tang around 3" -$50 2 ) koi tang around 3.8" - $250 3 ) yellow belly blue tang around 4" - $90 4 ) blue eyes anthis 3 female and 1 male. $80 ( would only want to let go 4 together) Collection at sengkang. Thanks for viewing
  10. Teco chiller for sales!!! TK 1000 used for 1 year, selling $650
  11. Have the following to clear for space.. A ) Banana lokini - $40 B ) tenius - $40 C ) red dragon - $80 D ) forest green digi - $15 E ) green sps - $15 F ) YELLOW GREEN BODY WITH PURPLE TIP - $50 G ) magnificent - $100 H ) Royal blue Milli -. $180 I ) Sentosa - $15 J ) scolly - $160 K ) Aussie acan - $200 L ) lepoard mushy - $20 M ) USA bright red mushy - $35 Collection at sengkang
  12. Fish sold..thanks all for viewing
  13. As above have 1 to let go , around 2.5" Selling for $10 Collection at sengkang.
  14. Upzzz for this under utilised light..
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