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Everything posted by klyve

  1. Thanks alot for ur kind words will let u know if i have ang frags.. NP bro just let me know if u want to come over...
  2. Thanks bro waiting for ur zoa frag..Kee Kee The min carpet hide behind the rock so difficult to take the pic will try to take the remaing 2 mini carpet in my nano tank...
  3. bro If u find it nice then its rare...
  4. Thanks Bro Agree with u beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder... Haha bro u also have a nice collection of zoa...
  5. Zoa 1) Jackywongto 2) Peter.Tee 3) Divinesloth 4) Justin 5) Dachkie 6) Zorden 7) Ahlee 8) Ah Siang 9)Klyve Rics 1) Jackywongto 2) Peter.Tee 3) Divinesloth 4) Justin 5) Dachkie 6)Ahlee 7)Klyve
  6. Wow bro me also eyeing ur SPS and zoa also...Whenever went over ur house made me want to grab all ur corals...
  7. Thanks alot..Hope u like it..
  8. hi any bro using the tank above?if have any good or bad feeback on this tank set..Eg. like the LED light,skimmer ETC ETC...Thanks..
  9. Upzz for u bro,thanks for the frag its growing well in my tank...
  10. hi letting go this Cloves for $40,have around 10 ploy.. Collection at sengkang(Anchorvale)
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