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Everything posted by klyve

  1. plam size Selling $40 Mini clam,around 11/2inch Selling $35 plam size Selling $40 Contact me at 92987718 for a fast deal.. Collection at sengkang(anchorvale link)
  2. What a pity....Such a nice peiece.....
  3. bro reducing ur bioload ah??if still want to reduce can catch out the 2 box fish i will buy from u ...Hee Hee
  4. same here also running in FR start skimming 1 week ltr but after skimming for around 4 days stop skimming and a few days start to skim and stop again for a few times..inside my tank for 1 month plus liao...Fed up with this product and it my NO3 & P04 still remain the same no drop... Thinking of dumping the products into the bin
  5. saw 2 pieces at LCK.... selling for 2 reds...
  6. Upzz left the Salmon pink A - $30 B - $20
  7. Thanks bro,very difficult to take a clear pic of the frag with my lousy camera...
  8. have the below frags for sale... Salmon pink A - $30 B - $20 Salmon pink $40 Below is the mother colony(not for sale) German Blue $30 Purple polyed monti digi $30 Below is the mother colony(not for sale) Collection at sengkang(anchorvale Link) Contact:92987718..Cheers
  9. oh then have to give up the ideal of adding in my tank...
  10. Saw the lemonpeel at RB today wondering if its reef safe?The hit & miss percentage is it the same as FA?
  11. looking for the above...thanks alot...
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