yeah she is feeding very well and swimming in the open very active.. for the nice fish..
Anyway if spotted the male let me kow k...Thanks alot...
How is ur rock scape??Waiting for u to post ur tank pic..
wow bro nice fish u have and the colours of ur coral...
anyway my neon goby MIA liao... maybe eaten by my fish..
PS. if u want to let go ur Naoko wrasse let me know..kee kee
Thanks bro after i reduce my feeding my feeding realise that my sps all colour up...
come come bro...juz let me know...
Anyway all those luminious sps all up lorry already.... how about urs??
after i raise up my KH my Ca went down to normal liao at first it was like around 700.. now think everthing stable sps all suddenly shot up...trying to reduce mine P04 and N03 so that their colour will be lighter like those in ur tanks...