Letting go a stable queen angle to reduce bio load.
Size around 4"++
Eats nori , pellets like a pig.
Selling $350
Only confirmed then will trap out the fish.
Collection at sengkang.
Have the following rocks for sales..
Mainly tonga,all soaked and cleaned.
Take all for $150.
Floor tiles is 20cmx20cm
Collection at sengkang
Thanks for viewing
Have the following to clear..
1 ) slim Jerry can - 25L - 1 for 25 take 2 for 40
10L slim Jerry can - $20
2 ) 4 x channel wifi dosing pump..
- $100
Take item 1 and item 2 - $150
3 ) SOW-4 - $25
4 ) deltec di-nitractor with 1/3 new media - $30
5 ) TLF FR - $35
Collection at sengkang.