Dear Reefers,
I don't want to harm mother nature by buying anymore corals till i find the root cause and provide a solution.
Problem: Zoa not opening and melted away. Anemone tentacles became stubs then entire melted away. Seafan breaking down slowly - branches left skeleton, turning black but main trunk still opening.
Crime scene: 40G tank. No chiller (temp avg 28-30). 30 white LED, 30 blue LED, no T5. No skimmer but WC with NSW 20% every 2wks once. Turbo snail just KIA. Remaining 3 Damsels, 1 tang, 1 maroon clown, 1 cleaner shrimp.
Investigation: I tested PH ok. I added iodine, didn't help. I added reef complete (calcium+strontium), didn't help. Since I WC regularly, i don't think it's nitrate too high. Furthermore, cleaner shrimp molted 4 times so I think water is ok with this sensitive invert. I do notice more green and red algae ever since i on the LED more frequently in day bcoz I thought corals not enough light. I can't be certain of calcium bcoz I don't hv tester.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
Does anyone know what should I test? I don't have iodine test or calcium test. Estimated 1 cap reef complete every 2 wk.
Does anyone have spare kit to help test? I don't want to buy wrong tester and additives.
Really appreciate if someone can help because I really want the clown to have a nice anemone home again. Thanks in advance.