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Everything posted by jkit

  1. Sorry bro. Type too fast. I'm meant hi. When can view?
  2. HiGigi, I'm interested in anemone. When can view?
  3. Thats where puzzle me. Since regular wc, y still nd dose all those stuff? I tot seawater already got all those stuff. So u not using reef complete Liao?
  4. Oh. I do wc 2wk once. Don't think ph & salinity hv issue. I temporary stop reef complete. Prev doing 2 cap once a week. Don't hv test kit so hv to trial & error. Thx 4 all the pointers but I think high possibility it's light. I only 1 strip blue (30) from slt. 1 strip white (36) from ikea. Switch on both from 8-11pm. Saw a bro reefer using 3w high power ssc led. Looks gd. Asking him where he got it. Let u know if he reply. I stay tampines. How abt u?
  5. Bro, can advise where to get your high power ssc led? U diy or from shop? How much?
  6. Same thoughts bro. But can't bear to give up something so nice hanging on the wall. Btw, I tried reef complete but doesn't improve. Now all zoa close up. Can't get it open. Is it light issue? I'm running blue & white led only. No t5 like u - original t5 has power leak & raise temp so I decom it. But I tot zoa don't need much light? Thinking whether to install more led - meaning more $$ If really help then may b worth, But scare waste $ & raise temp. or should I switch to clove coral?
  7. 40gallon tank. Not that big. No skimmer, no chiller. Avg temp 29. Water chg 1 every 2wk abt 20%. Seafan also slowly chipping off but still open. Half yr anemone just pass on. Notice testacles shrinking into stubs over a period. I don't hv test kit other than ph & salinity which are tested ok. So thinking maybe just try all in 1 supplement. What u think?
  8. hi, led light can? Need chiller? What u feed? Easier than zoa? I hv zoa but they are shrinking in size. Not sure y. Tried iodine & calcium but not much improvement. Is all in 1 reef supplement better?
  9. Btw, forgot mention I started putting those white cotton filter beneath the pump. Seems vy effective in trapping dirt from the return flow. Tank less dirty nowdays. I also off pump when feeding so that food don't flow into the left side. Try if u want.
  10. Post your chiller pic c c. I also don't scrub Liao. Got 1 turbo snail do it but I think it's appetite is limited my tank now has anemone, seafan, zoa. They seem to slowly deteriote also. Now trying slowly topup calcium see if it help. Gd thing is I finally got a surviving cleaner shrimp & Sailfin tang
  11. Bro, curious. Hw u install that nano wavemaker? Also, what happen 2 your skimmer?
  12. Hi, quick check. Do you add any nutrients or buffers to make your zoa grow and colorful? My Zoa losing color and doesn't spread across the rocks. Wondering why. I practice 10% water change every 2 weeks. Water flow is medium to low. White light in day, blue light in night. Temp avg 28. Can advise pls?
  13. hi reefers, can anyone advise why Zoa is losing it's color? Colony used to be green blue, mixed with red purple. Now mostly red purple and colony becoming smaller Also, it doesn't spread across the tank like what I read in internet or other forums threads. I practice 10% water change every 2 weeks. White light switch on during day, blue light during evening and night. Water flow is medium to low. Is it some kind of nutrients lacking? What must I add? Appreciate your help. Thx!
  14. Hi reefers, wanna find out if anyone interested in seahorse. Thinking of selling $8 each. Both female I think. Pls reply topic or pm me. Must bring own bag/container.
  15. Hi, how to get tigertail start feeding? I tried frozen mysis but seem they don't like. How u feed? How frequent? Where can get live mysis? Where's lck110 located? Is your SH tank still running?
  16. hi, great setup. Seems Really tough work. I'm interested to know - what's require in order to keep SH? -Temp? -Can mix with fish, anemone, zoa? -Must it be a pair or can just start with 1? -Change color means sick?
  17. Dear Reefers, anyone familiar with Sea Fan? Recently noticed some grey looking hairy web growing on my sea fan. Kinda sticky bcoz I need to move the water strongly in order for it to flow away. Also notice sea fan not opening as much as before. Definitely not the usual hair from polyps. Is it ill? Slime? Or is it creating web to trap food? What should I do? Appreciate your advices. Thanks!
  18. hi, u selling separate? can reserve the fishes. I'm interested to view those less than 3".
  19. Hi, I don't mind arresting your cleaner shrimp and lock up in my tank instead Let me know if u interested.
  20. nope. But kept in dark cupboard under water sink.
  21. hi reefers, Need advice. If seawater kept in jelly can for about a month, will it turn bad?
  22. so just cut a hole & glue the TEM? Let water run through, chill by probe? anyway to adjust temp?
  23. hi, can show pic how TEM connect to charcoal bag to probe on the locklock cover?
  24. hi reefers, anyone hv extra cleaner shrimp to give or sell? I like to adopt one. Preferably at least 1". PLs pm or reply this thread. Thx!
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