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Everything posted by sparks1107

  1. yea.. im looking for blastos as well.. are there many at GO? care to pm me the price range for them?
  2. Anyone selling royal gamma? Please pm me.
  3. hahaha.. think have to rely on coincidence. not easy to build chemistry
  4. pH will also affect fish colour. u using premix saltwater or NSW?
  5. Thanks! Now i learnt new stuff haha Looks like she has to be alone. Hurts me to see the male being bully by her
  6. Guys, I've a 2inches true percula which is kinda aggressive and already tried pairing it with 1inch true perc twice. In both occasions, the bigger perc tend to bully and chase after the smaller one. Any tips to pair my perc? Do i have to get a bigger one? Cause my tank is only 2ft and dont think a 4inches perc fits in Am i right to say that my 2inches true perc is a male, and normally the males will tend to be more aggressive?
  7. oo u already got livestock inside your tank while its in cycling stage. i think those tiny white ant like things are pods, its harmless, some fishes feed on them. as for your algae, think its high phosphate? u got a test kit for it? u sure its algae? cause i never heard of white algae
  8. i have them on the rock of my star polyps too. so far harmless leh. no idea what are they also lol but i get to see these pretty often in sentosa beaches haha
  9. off your chiller 1st.. see the bill for next month i can lend u my tank for housing your livestock hahaha
  10. pasir ris farm certainly worth visiting.. dont think theres any snorkeling sites here though.
  11. can try feeding mysis shrimps or henry gourmet.
  12. dont think its the crab that ate your fishes? they wont be that stupid to swim around the crab if its causing any damage to them. the crab looks scary and big tho. haha. kill it!
  13. so cute.... maybe one day our clownfishes can do the same trick
  14. pics damn blurr lol can see your reflection somemore
  15. cool nano tank.. care to pm me where u bought your tank and how much is it?
  16. opps.. sry for the wrong info. didnt know super glue can be used to glue frags.
  17. dont think snails and hermit will help unless u have lots of them.
  18. ouch anyway, u tested your nitrate? didnt have nitrate test with me so didnt test mine. my sandbed is so dirty + ugly now
  19. just curious. do your purp and fire gobies fight?
  20. dont think normal super glue can work. tho there's a kind of glue sold in some LFS meant for gluing frags onto rocks.
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