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  1. Selling my Resun 1/10 Hp chiller Used for 5mths+. well kept condition Selling for $200 Tel: 83237723
  2. sry abt the wrong number.. corals collected already.. thread close ty
  3. Giving away some corals due to my tank leaking qt them all. Got hammer, arcan n motipora? Will be at Tiong bahru area. Pls bring your containers. SMS me 83236723 wish to clear them tonight.
  4. Hi. May I knw what items are not sold yet?
  5. that would be a good experiment. what temp do u set ur chiller to?
  6. any recommended brands to buy? .. currently using Seachem
  7. hi, i would like to ask whats the basic stuffs to add to the water of a reef tank?
  8. i dont think its reef safe. its not meant to be inside of aquarium use.
  9. ok i found the error.. the motor was faulty. the propeller was not turning thou the motor was running =.= ty
  10. as above. i tried according to the manual but cant get it to prime itself. pls help
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