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Everything posted by Shinguuji

  1. ok, recently, ever since keeping a delibius lobster, i have been quite fascinated by inverts, more specifically, crabs, shrimps and lobaster, i plan to open another nano tank, 1 1/2 ft. and want to put as many inverts in it as possible, but i heard that inverts fight a lot, so what species do i put such that all do not fight and can put as much as possible?
  2. wah...sui, i want one when i open another nano-tank...my delibius lobster also eats junk, but only @ night... anymore sui inverts to show?
  3. 'did you really think that the American expat needs to do reservist training twice a year? Or that his kids are forced to study Mandarin in order to enter the university here? Or that his kids even had to study in our pressure-cooker education system, instead of one of those international schools which are sprouting up in Singapore (which Singaporeans are not permitted to attend?) Or that he is paid the same as the Singaporean with equivalent skills? Or that his kids, when they turn 18, run the risk of being drowned in a bucketful of water in an army camp? Or that your non-existent right to vote really gives you a bigger stake in this country than that expat? Or that his money is compulsorily confiscated from him until he turns 55 or 62? Or that his Singapore employer won't pay for his accommodation and his car?' straycat from the young PAP forum, just found this today, i don't post there... he kinda says what i want to say in an example....getting hard to express myself, mabye bcos too lor sor.... AT:no $$$ no space to reef anymore leh....how to reef, i think i try nano-tank liao, opening 1 1/2 ft. tank soon, maybe put on my table....
  4. we might be 2nd class citizens in australia or NZ, but we're already 2nd class citizens in our own country, notice that most service personels, esp. the female ones do not give ang moh black face? but when the locals come, their bad attitude shows out like a reaction, plus we are paid much less and forced to live in some really run down estates like bukit merah while the ang moh live in costa rhu condo, in australia, all u'll face is a barage of racist remarks, nothing u can deter with a fat amount of money and parking ur NSX next to their battered old car would help u to belive that they're just jealous, plus we get big house, big car, good women, good money, good life and ur money can buy for u lots of things... once they see the money, they don't care that ur not ang moh or whatever, they just serve u with a smile, nothing u can't get used to... u can't just pass off NS as compared to higher taxes, they got the cash to pay for singapore's taxes while we literally waste away in the 2 1/2 yrs, at the prime of our lives, where all the ang moh and other ppl will play our GF while we're slaving away for our nation, plus ur not guranteed to come out alive....if u know what i mean, the only way to equate with NS IMO is to serve, to amt. of $ can equate the time we have lost slaving for our nation true that the racist thing will get to you someday, but the asians are half-way through colonising australia.... singapore has its good points, like its uniqueness, but the most ironic thing is tt we are 2nd(or maybe 1.5) class citizens in our own country, we serve NS, pay high taxes, get EXTREMELY underpaid, live in sub-standard estates and see black face while the foreigners get EVERYTHING while some, ESP THE ANG MOH are TOTALLY useless on the point tt singaporeans are not gd enough overseas, that's highly unlikely, we're always no.1 in overseas uni. so we shld be paid a big bomb anyway is cosmopolitian really that good? the govt. allow 'immoral' things like bar-top dancing etc. just to make this a cosmo city, and IMO, i know this is generalisation, so i say SOME of the 'cosmopolitian' ppl are really self-centered, they call themselves aethists not bcos they dun belive in any god but bcos they can't belive they're living their lives for someone else, furthermore, when u talk to them, its really boring, cos all they talk is abt themselves, they got so much money and they keep spending it on themselves, plus their position of high power makes them feel that the world, the solar system, the universe, the galaxy and everything in it revolves around them, is it good to encourage such boring, dull, self centred people? from what i see, all they do is goto a bar, or clubbing after work, pick up a woman, or get picked up if they're female, go home and do 'immoral' stuff....these ppl keep moving arnd, so the only thing tt remains constant is themselves, its only natural that their world revolves arnd themselves, i say SOME and only SOME why are we so defensive when it comes to rights of criticism, even if ur foreigner, plan to stay here and do ur part, u might be 100% singaporean, but if u never slave for the nation, most ppl would say u no rights, cos NS is like a badge to the locals, a symbol that we walk the bridge is more than u walk the road, as in we suffer more than u, so dun talk so much, its not a very clear cut or even a right mentality, but its only human reaction to behave in such a way
  5. 1. ah^siao (sengkang) 2. hghflyer (sengkang) 3. [P]owder Blue (Kallang) 4. Octopuffy (Bedok Reservoir Road) 5. Jas Soh (Lavender) 6. Hotsoup(Chai Chee) 7. Vanan (pasir ris) 8. Bwilly (Sembawang/Tampines) 9. Hon (Punggol) 10. HolySpirit (Tanah Merah) 11.drewy (pasir Ris) 12.onghm (sengkang) 13.jc85 (hougang/buangkok) 14.Kouz (Pasir Ris) 15.planetg(Hougang) 16.Tango_Liverock (Tampines) 17.Orgasbt(Pasir Ris) 18.Bob (Pasir Ris) 19. Dinosaur (Bukit Panjang) 20. Optimist (Pasir Ris) 21. Vinoth(SengKang) 22. Strat (Tampines) 23. PornStar (Eunos / Telok Kurau) 24. Firegobies (Tampines) 25. Shinguuji (Marine Terrace)
  6. glad tt u can adopt such a nice, good and objective attitude, i was expecting flames... ok, on the subject on SIA and SM lee, i feel he still deserves preferential treatment no matter what, would SIA be the top airline it is now without the SM's help? would we even have an airline? the SM is the founder of most things in Singapore, from airlines to healthcare, he owns them in a way, our GDP has increased at a rate that is more than 10 times than any other country, pick up last week's economist article on mahartir, u can see the rate our GDP has incresed under the SM's hands dosen't he deserve such prefrential treatment? he's the founder of most services found in singapore, if there were no SM, there would be no SIA, in fact i feel IMO that SIA should pay for the SM after all the SM has done i won't say the same if ho ching or LSL had done the same thing cos they brough about NO miracles and founded nothing else save the dreaded cosmopolitian policies found in s'pore SM is the boss of singapore, we should give him the best, cannot say the same abt his son though.... even if the SM does things that goes again us, i'm grateful that he has at least given us a fighting start in Singapore, so that we can thrive elsewhere, imagine if someone else had taken the place of SM in 1965, we would have been something like east timor that is why i feel that it is our national duty to serve NS before we siam the country, to repay this country and the fighting start it has given us, the SM has given nearly 3million singaporean the ability to fight and live on our own, to carve out a sercure and beautiful future(elsewhere?) it is only right that he get prefrential treatment even if its unfair the cost if living under a fair but stupid leader is far greter than living under a biased but talented guy, i won't complain...
  7. whoops.... anyway, the basic idea is tt if u dun like singapore, then don't come here, that's it, no one forced you, on the other hand, s'porens like me were born here, we have no choice, so we got more right to complain than u, and who likes seeing his/her home country being bashed by the people that in the first place as a result of elitist policy, caused you many problems, its not their fault, they're like the sword of ur enemy, it not the sword's fault that ur pierced by it, but its still not very nice to criticise abt other ppl's country esp. when ur in tt position and abt how much these foreign ppl add, they only destroy cultures(which the govt. wants cos of the retard 'cosmo' culture they want...), take jobs and cause economic disequllibrium, they cre8 jobs, yes they do, but it would be far more efficient to use the underpaid locals to do these, furthermore, the BOP problems they cause would counteract the cre8tion of jobs once the govt. uses its policies to correct the disequillibrium, and we might end up losing more jobs, its sad and makes me angry esp. cos i'm being driven out of my home, i want to stay bcos i was born here, i love the land and the ppl, unfortunately, the cost of staying is far more than the benefits, so too bad, i'm moving at the first chance
  8. on the other hand, anyone tt reads this pls migrate to australia or wherever b4 its too late, our currency is constantly being pushed down so as to correct the BOP disequillibrium those foreigners caused, goto USA to earn big bucks, or even australia also can, u can use ur general degree or even u poly one also can go there upgrade then work, i confirm u tt u all sure rise to at least manager evantually, after u earn the big bucks liao, either go home to singapore where u have to live in some tiny flat like me, where u have no space to put any fish tanks or move to australia where u can get landed propery next to a river, plus 3 sports car, nothing less than NSX or supra, plus all the space in the world to put ur tanks, plus u can throw money around if ur not happy, cos ur already so darn rich, so go b4 its too late http://www.geographyiq.com/ranking/ranking..._Rate_top25.htm why would a country with the 6th best GDP per capita in the world be 2nd on the moving list?????? that shows that we're being underpaid and being replaced by useless 'talents' all bcos of the govt. drive to make this an cosmopolitan city, we're all gold rings in swines snouts, quickly move and save urself, dun worry abt repaying ur country, u did that in NS already... =)
  9. anyway, instead of focusing on the bad things abt each other's countries, why not talk abt the good things, like taiwan has S.H.E and jay chou...lol if ur unhappy, plan to earn enuff to move away, or try to adapt instaed of bashing the place locals call home be proactive instead of reactive
  10. ok, first thing, sorry if this insults you, but this is IMO and IMO i think what i'm going to say is extremely logical the thing i can't stand most is when foreigners come here and start complaining about the state of Singapore, if u don't like Singapore, just leave or go back home, no one's begging you to stay in Singapore strangely most foreigners will complain about Singapore, i have heard Malaysians, Aussies, taiwanese, etc. complaining, and its VERY irritating, all of you come here, take places in our JCs and polys, jobs, women, benefits here... PLUS FOREIGNERS NO NEED TO SERVE NS!!!!! most i mean, excluding those 'STUDENTS' We slave for our nation for 2 1/2 years, how would u feel if some foreigner who has taken a good job, good house, good car, good wife from Singapore came to you and said that Singapore sucks? that guy has NO RIGHT at all and its irritating to hear someone say this for all the talk about free speech and all that rubbish, surely we could use some tact when criticising about another's country esp. when one is less qualified to do so to prevent irritations(a very mild word already...) Singapore corrupted? yes, maybe, cos the laws were designed for legal corruption? at least its LEGAL, and we DON'T FIGHT IN PARLIMENT UNLIKE ahem.... see, i could say many things about taiwan, japan, malaysia and wherever, we do think of these, but we don't say it out, cos we're not qualified to do so, maybe we'll join in a discussion but rarely do we say it out of the blue or keep complaining, furthermore we're still in Singapore, not even there yet, taking their jobs, money, benefits and women.....so we still at least have a little right to say these we're not exactly happy about foreigners either, the government chooses them bcos it is percived that they are better than the locals, but why is it ALWAYS Singapore students that top other universities, and standard of education? and foreigners are not exactly gre8 for the economy either, on economic terms(if u understand..) we already have a sky-high amount of imports, plus if more foreigners come into singapore, there'll be a net outflow of capital, thus worsening our balance of payments, the government has to do something like borrow or something dumb that'll destroy the whole economy to correct this deficit.... look, foreigners have not been proven to help the economy or our standard of living, only helping to make the elitist, 'cosmopolitian' type of city Singapore idiots want it to be, for all the 'jobs' foreigners have helped cre8, locals would have done better, and we won't cause stupid things like a BOP deficit, with the amount of trouble foreigners have caused, i would think twice about opening MY mouth look, the older generation respects the SM ALOT, maybe he has made many 'mistakes' (percived ones...) in the later part of his reign as SM, we respect him for helping us to bring our economy to the strongest and best in entire asia, even 'the economist' magazine says this, we're currently the MOST STABLE country to invest in, thank you SM lee, no matter what he does now, we're glad he has brought Singapore so far, so he should be able to do anything he likes IMO, he built it anyway!!! actually i agreed with you a little, maybe if it was ho ching or someother elitist nut, i would have supported you, but not in this case, sorry, pls research b4 making a comment and consider the feelings of the locals and thanks to the SM for training s'poreans to be so disciplined to study that we'll win all the other ppl when we goto the foreign uni.s and then proceed to take even more money, jobs and women u foreigner have ever did in singapore to repay our BOP deficit, anyway 'stayer' means we have over stayed our leave in Singapore, goodbye, we'll help u steal other ppl's $$$, 10q....lol.... no offence, all this is just IMO....
  11. oh yeah, and for my 2ft(as posted in the FOWLR forum), i only have actnic blue lighing for it, not enough to keep anemone or corals right? what other light do i need?
  12. i went to aquarama recently and saw the prices....i was aiming at a setup below $400, but i discovered that i need at least $1000 to set up a tank, so giving up on the idea for now... i'm going to work as relief teacher after my A's, if i can survive 2mths i might get that tank, somemore @ night i might work as waiter.... so i'm going to buy my tank either only at feb. or not at all till i reach uni. or start working at least i can't belive an 'ordinary' skimmer for a 4ft. costs 100 bucks... neither can i belive that an 'ordinary canister costs 200bucks and a 4ft w/ stand costs 300 bucks... and a hood costs another 200 bucks....chiller costs 300 bucks for 4ft. totally put off by the prices, TOTALLY, i mean its just pieces of plastic right???? heck, i can buy a PS2 with a flat screen TV and a cabinet by just the price of the chiller and filter system alone....somemore can keep much less fish than FW.. i might not have the heart to blow my hard earned cash on such a tank, so maybe i'll set it up in uni. as i'll be spending very little in NS cos want to spend also no time to spend can anyone do a rundown on the prices for a 4ft. tank that is planned to keep corals and evantually SPS? Tank and stand: 300-400? filter sysem(canister): 200? skimmer: 100? chiller: 300? hood: 200? blulbs: 100?????(dared not ask in aquarama) whatelse: ?????? fish: 100? corals: 150??? total estimate: $1450 3 times the price i was aiming......
  13. i recently bought a debelius lobster from my LFS, now staing with my perc. clown in a 2ft tank, i read that it eats anything and everything, but i feed a perc. only flakes, most of which sinks, is this enough for the lobster or should i get somemore food for it? anyway, the lobster won't eat the clown, the clown only swims @the surface while the lobster stays on the ground...it'll remain this way right? i thought of keeping some corals too, maybe some anemones, but i only fave actnic blue lighting, its not sufficient right? what other lights do i need? what corals can i keep with actnic blue? what anemones can i keep with actnic blue?
  14. the cake shop one is the one near the police post....yes, that is THE ONE, how do u find that shop? Katong joo chiat siglap? where got? i never see b4 leh katong is along tanjong katong that road right? that one dun have much livestock... only got a lot of hardware right? i know of another more 'secret' one, its in something like a abandoned factory near the foreign students hostel @ kallang area, i think @ tanjong rhu know anymore that have a lot of livestock? and at least acceptable conditions?
  15. katong area? which LFS u go to? is it that one next the parkway 7-11 or isit the marine parade market area that one(near the cake shop and the bookshop and the laundry shop) or is there another LFS? the one near 7-11 seems more careful on the fishes it stock although there is very little marine fishes, the other one seems much more enthu. which might be a good thing or otherwise....hint hint....
  16. as in the above, using seawater=instant cycle? i heard this from somewhere.....u can guess from where, its quite obvious....lol is this true, will using natural seawater speedup or speedup cyling? thanks for advise anyway my small 'crash' i think its not a real crash, just a result of overfeeding, nitrites are back to zero once more...
  17. ermmm...point i'm trying to put across is that u don't need to drive dogs n cats to extinction or to the brink of it, and you do not need to kill the other 10000 microscopic animals, corals, fishes etc. just to get ONE fish yeah, i agree its cruel to dogs and cats, i suppose they feel more than fish do(honestly!), with their affections and closeness in relationship with humans, its less hurting to see an enemy beat you than a friend...lol i don't like THAT organisation, but i shouldn't say too much, u should know what i'm refering to, they treat animals like crap and sometimes sell off confiscated stuff...
  18. show the thread leh, i also want to see.... ya lor, LFS everytime say half-turths one...very dissapointing keeping mammals is unlike keeping marine fishes where u need to kill patches of living areas...where ppl throw in cyanide like nobody's business and destroy so much reef ppl harvesting fish should learn from singapore, after damage that spot liao, put one of those cone-like things let corals grow again(shown in CNA quite sometime ago) or even harvest corals from those cone things and i'm sure technology can develop something to catch fishes without touching cyanide, like create super-attractive food paired with traps or electric shock enough to stun but wun damage fishes or whatever anyway if ur wondering why i'm posting, i'm done with econs and maths liao, left physics.... i must admit that this hobby is doing very little damage to the ocean compared to oil slicks or fishing(large scale w/ small hole nets) but its bcos we're damaging only one area---->the reefs... sometimes LFS treat ppl like idiot, cannot stand something weird happen to may tank recently, my ammonia and nitrite went up to un-readable levels, but its zero today...wonder why...
  19. lol, bullshitting as in like... cannot say la, will offend the LFS guy(if he is here...) anyway, some ppl say things like trying to sell of false percs for true percs, u go think up the rest =) how come u can dig up such a old post?
  20. crashed as in the nitrites and ammonia blew out of proportions, suddenly acclerating from zero to 20 in two days, nothing died
  21. nitrite and ammonia is over the readability scale, no point giving, prob. arnd 20+? whe i cycled, both of these were zero for a week till it crashed, maybe something dropped into the filter leh? strange thing is that lots of algae growing in my tank liao, indication of lots of nitate, even after change water still got nitrate, but i didn't overstock leh, put one mandrin(late remove liao, given awy.) and a perc. shouldn't have been overstocking...very weird, i also dunno why like this....somemore got the barnacle thingy growing frm my life rock, plus crabs etc. my life rock seems very alive....all types of things growing on it....a lot of pink red and purple algae growing on it too, cover nearly the whole rock liao...weird...i also thought those crab will die bcos of the nitrite, but still alive, also dunno why...
  22. my tank just crashed a few days ago, the day the website went down, i think i topped up water using untreated tap water and the chlorine killed all the bacteria in the filter, i moved by percula clown out already(that's my only fish) quite sad to see my tank crash a week after it has cycled...hiaz....nitrite is very high now...shkd cycle fin.(again) in a week or two
  23. furthermore, more nitrite has been REALLY high for very long....maybe 20ppm???? for abt a week already....is this normal, my nitrite went up pretty fast, only abt 4days after setting up the tank...i'm using cycling bacteria BTW
  24. shld i use live rock during cycling? my nitrite is still quite high, i recently spotted a pincer sticking out of the rock, i think there's a crab in the rock, but my nitrite has been super high(more than 20ppm?) and yet the crab is still alive? is it advisable to let the crab stay in there? or will it die and decompose, skyrocketting the nitrites?
  25. ermmmmmmmmm..........PC markets rarely or never do go long run, bcos they rarely have enuff capital...i can't even tell how many fish shops, aside frm the big ones that can go LR, most are stuck in their nookies forever...the discus shop i was buying discus from closed down recently cos he was pro. and did not cheat, and gave good advise and did not sell fish to impulse buyers, and so he closed down...he was cool, when i was a newbie in FW, and wanted to keep 4 discus in one tank, he refused to sell me anything beyond 2 till i got another tank....and thus he closed down in a PC market.....besdies, 24hr shops, or even good PR(bulls***ing skills?) can be found even in those shops tt do not cycle, look at those shops that thrive and go LR(as in, buy another shop? branches?), they are usually those crappy stalls located at prime locations and with 70% of their customers doing impulse buys....hint hint......perhaps the public is not well educated enuff...but usually they dun give a DA** esp. when doing impulse buys... but u got a pt. there, some of the good ones survive, but most barely do...
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