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Everything posted by Shinguuji

  1. me, class of '01 the principal change again, but used to be armpit lai.... she brought up the school by 10 postions(24th?).........................................by kicking out lousy students(some of them were frens.....)
  2. i think i know what u mean, i support u!
  3. even though we must be 'modern' and accept this ppl, it is VERY wrong to show ur affections in the public, when young teenage couples go pak tor, then even hold hands or hug, ppl start to kao pei kao bu liao, but when gat ppl do this, we say that they're gay and leave them alone, why got double standard??? and furthermore, when girls dress 'very little', we all kao pei and kao bu also, say no decency, but when gay ppl dress 'gay', we ignore them and say that they're gay, why the double standard? if gay ppl show affections in public, they're inconsiderate and are asking to get beaten, not everyone wants to see a display of intimacy, escpecially by very controversial people.... by 'coming out of the closet', what are they trying to do? they're merely showing their lust for other men, why do we not condemn them totally for doing this as it is merely showing their fantasies and is in bad taste? why so much double standards? if ur gay quietly and act and function like a normal member of society without abusing all the perks derived from the double-standards from being gay, i won't say that that is wrong, but if u do stupid indecent things in public, i think its wrong... FYI, i do not support the 'purple' movement.....
  4. can't study now, too pissed.... feel like crap.... worried abt everything...
  5. 2nd tank: today is a bad day, firstly, my angler fish puked all its half-digested shrimps all over my tank, next the water turned cloudy, next, the nitite started to rise....its at .5ppm now.... although ammonia is still zero.... 1st tank: my purple firegoby performed a nemo and managed to get into my hang-on filter although i put black plastic guard....it died.... sad sad sad...
  6. it vomitted out all its half-digested shrimp bodies last night....its belly is much smaller now, is this unusual? what is happening??? what do i feed it now that its quite small??? i think the owner overfed it...
  7. 1. ah^siao (sengkang) 2. hghflyer (sengkang) 3. [P]owder Blue (Kallang) 4. Octopuffy (Bedok Reservoir Road) 5. Jas Soh (Lavender) 6. Hotsoup(Chai Chee) 7. Vanan (pasir ris) 8. Bwilly (Sembawang/Tampines) 9. Hon (Punggol) 10. HolySpirit (Tanah Merah) 11.drewy (pasir Ris) 12.onghm (sengkang) 13.jc85 (hougang/buangkok) 14.Kouz (Pasir Ris) 15.planetg(Hougang) 16.Tango_Liverock (Tampines) 17.Orgasbt(Pasir Ris) 18.Bob (Pasir Ris) 19. Dinosaur (Bukit Panjang) 20. Optimist (Pasir Ris) 21. Vinoth(SengKang) 22. Strat (Tampines) 23. PornStar (Eunos / Telok Kurau) 24. Firegobies (Tampines) 25. Starfish (Punggol) 26. Garan (Tampines) 27. spong3bob (Simei) 28. ZiT (eAst coaSt) 29. ASH ( SengKang) 30. Harmony (Tampines) 31. Tubeworm (Pasir Ris) 32. Rycin (Tampines) 33. stonefish(tampines) 34. Reeff (tampines) 35. Cedric (Tampines) 36. FishnChips (Pasir Ris) 37. Garan (tampines) 38. Strongbad (Punggol) 39. Alentino (upper paya lebar) 40. Killerwhale (Boon Lay) 41. Tanggy (Senkang) 42. Edwincis (Punggol) 43. supremo (Simei) 44. kschew1498 (Pasir Ris) 45.Shinguuji (marine Terrace) i was bumped out of the list....
  8. cheer up, dun give up, can still restart one, maybe take a short break then start again, take care, dun tink too much
  9. wart skin? i heared that some ppl say in here b4 that anglers sometimes cost up to $85???
  10. anyway, i left the last 2 physics papers liao, so i got time to do this.... i boxed up my lobster, dun want to risk my $40....is $40 for a angler fish a good buy?
  11. i just opened my 2nd tank, its slightly smaller than 2ft. i'm keeping a straited angler(main occupant, maybe main kller...), link here: Straited angler its quite big, mybe 3-4 inch... plus 3 damsels, a green chromis, a blue damsel(devil?), the last fish dunno what, its shape is like damsel, but it has blue dots on brown body, still can't identify.... these were given by the owner, all 2-3 inches next is my delibius reef lobster, 3-4 inches, maybe the amin killer, it killed my purple firegoby the first time, wonder if it will kill anything now.... will these evantually kill each other? opinions pls? the angler fish was looking at my lobster with its lure outstretched...a worrying sign....
  12. agreed, esp. if u go those siong unit, sure too tired to even look at the tank....even got time will go clubbing or go out one..... but then if u get auto-feeder, it solves the main problem right? maybe teach ur parents how to change water, but not how to feed....
  13. wah...u where got the $ to buy so mny tanks? u stay where? maybe i help u keep, but u must help me keep in reurn when i go NS in april, bcos by then ur BMT fin. liao, shld have more time if u fail ur napfa, u can't go home, even after 3 weeks, u need to pass before a weekend to be able to go home for weekend durind BMT, and u might fail...if they tekan u b4 test, or if training too siong, muscle ache too much.... i tink u just need someone to take care of ur tank during BMT only, u can also buy auto-feeder u know, i dunno the price though....
  14. i plan to keep it with lobster... if feed live fish for me still ok, got no problem feeding it, but if it refuse to eat then i got problem liao i saw the one is fat fat, like a ball like that, colour range from white to brown, for $40, i think the price gre8ly inflated, so i gg elsewhere to obtain it is it very sensitive to water conditions?
  15. yes, but u said it was too big for ur tank, how so? my tank is very small too, its hangoutside one right? if i want, where can u meet me, and when? then price $40 can ornot? pls????i JC student, ver poor, supremely poor, tts why i only can own tiny tanks like these, so discount pls? thx!
  16. so it hangs outside the tank right? is there any shops near the east that sells this?
  17. okay.....so maybe i should get two weipros instead, are they place outside the tank? my tank is too small to fit any in it...
  18. is it external? my tank is very small, n i dun like to see a huge skimmer in a small tank... errr....skim more than a tank means like u can connect two tanks using a y-connector and pass it thru a skimmer, then the skimmer send it back to the tank via another y-connector....but i doubt they sell such things...
  19. looking for any external skimmer that can be put outside tank, use for nano-tank, if possible, ability to skim more than a tank, if so willing to pay more, pls reply, thx
  20. i'm starting a new nano-tank, about 1 1/2 ft., to house my delibius reef lobster, cos it has been agressive to my other fishes(i'm housing it in those side-hanging fighting fish tanks by my tank... i was wondering whether i could keep a frog fish with it? would they just murder each other? i'm using this tank to experiment on keeping corals...is it ok? what do frog fish eat? are they hardy? how much do they cost? where do they sell? anywhere near the east? btw, i downgraded my 2ft. to a 1 1/2 feet cos the 2ft was too heavy and cracked my stand....so now my 1 1/2 ft. is super cramped....after moving my lobster out, is it ok to keep 1 purple firefish and two clowns(1 perc. 1 normal) in a 1 1/2 ft. tank? my filter is strong enough is guess....i'm using 2 hang-on filters at the moment, so shld be ok, going to get a third one soon(maybe...see how first...), will this cause any problems? and i have a internal skimmer in a 1 1/2 ft. tank which looks horrible.....anyway to 'externalise it?(within a budget of $50-70, and hopefully can skim my 2nd tank too, if it can, i'm willing to pay up to $100) for my 2nd tank, i hope to use to hang-on filters too, but i might consider getting a canister to filter both tanks, plus to hang-ons, cos i plan to keep 3 1 1/2 ft/ tanks evantually, is it possible to split the water intake and outflow of canister into 3-sections w/o much trouble?
  21. stressguard? by who? use the aquamedi dechlorinator can ornot? they say they use aloevera 1 and they say its 4 healing...dat 1 can or not?
  22. argghhh!!! i liked that goby!! how it die? how to disinfect?
  23. my purple firegoby is injured, got a big cut on his back when he dash against the rockwork....it looks normal now, swimming around, but like haven't eat yet leh... now blood nothings, just a little bit of flesh sticking out... but still behave like normal, when frighten hide in burrow, when not it go outsdie swim swim.... will it die? what do i do?
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