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  1. Hi 'ambystoma82' , I have tried crushing them with a metal rod, but they are quite hard and I don't want to topple my live rock. Do you know what species they are and if they are harmful? The "fishing lines" are unsightly when deployed, but dissapear when they are not feeding. Do they get bigger over time?
  2. Help, I have an outbreak of tiny red "Volcanos" which put out long lines of spider web type substance - anybody know what they might be and if they are harmful? They are on the live rock and one is on my staghorn coral!
  3. Thanks for the suggestion, but I only have a 15gal Nano and 6 line wrasse are very difficult to obtain in uk! Is there a manual or chemical solution to the problem?
  4. Can anybody please help? I have an infestation of keel worms which are like feather duster worms with a white random tube in which they retract! They are all over my live rock and small offspring on glass and equipment! Anybody know how to get rid of them? They are about 1mm in diameter and about 3-4cm long!
  5. Hi Mate, Thanks for the advice - have decided to let it live! You are right, it is doing no harm at the moment! Will monitor the situation because it is growing quite fast! Thanks!
  6. Hi, Not sure about doing any "cleaning" as they don't seem to move. I think they are a type of filter feeder / marine worm. I have now found bigger ones on my live rock and they form random white "tubes". Would like an ID though if anyone can help?
  7. RockyBoy, Skinny dipping - with those pointy claws? Ouch
  8. Hi Trev, I was born in Leicester but now live in a small village in Lincolnshire. By the way, my troubles have just doubled - found another tiny pointy claw...............Pants!
  9. Hi, Haven't got rid of crab yet - I am trying to stalk it and spear it when opportunity arises. Cruel,\but as I have a Nano there is not much room and the "bottle" trap won't work! Happy hunting
  10. Hi mate, How big is "big" before it gets to be a problem? I am due to receive some soft coral tomorrow, will it harm it?
  11. Hi Guys, Anybody id this tiny crab. It is about 1/2" body, pointy claws. Seems to clean up uneaten food. Have 1 clown. 2 turbos , colony of brown star polyps and 2 blue legged hermits. Nothing attacked yet!!! Thanks Sam
  12. Hi Guys, I seem to have an outbreak of tiny white snails. They are about 0.5mm and are shaped like number sixes. they are on the glass near the outlet. Anybody ID them?
  13. Thanks tiffanydunk, Do you know why my HOB Jebo 178 skimmer is only producing light coloured skimmate? Is it just a rubbish model? If so, what HOB would you recommend, (can't drill tank though I have room for a sump and HOB syphon with pumped return). I see you are setting up an even smaller cube than my 60 ltr so what would you use?
  14. Hi Cutie, Have lowered to 1.021 - was at 1.024!! Must have accidentally topped up evaporated water with marine instead of fresh! Took out 3 litres and dripped in fresh over a few hours. They are looking a bit better now.
  15. Have lost 2 turbo snails (Died for no reason) Replaced with 2 others but both seem to have stopped feeding / moving around. Single Clown ok, 2 Blue legged Hermits ok, Part water change carried out. (60 litre nano, Jebo skimmer with carbon in body) & 7 ltr of live rock. Green star polyp colony. Feeding frozen brine shrimp sparingly daily plus 1 drop of filter feeder food every other day. No "toxins" detected, though skimmer does not produce more than tea coloured skimmate. Any ideas?
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