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Everything posted by leonard2k

  1. i have a friend whos son is in CDAC tution centre. i forget the price, but at that point of the conversation, the price that i know is not that cheap. the teacher is voluntary with lower paid then outside. well his wife is not working, but he told me that the make up salary is just over the border line to get very cheap price. i dont think is that easy to get the cheap tution. well just to let people aware of this donate to organisation that you think is worth donating. and hate been force to do it without much info of it.
  2. hi hi no2 and nh4 should be nothing, as api test kit the first colour on chart is the best possible result. normally i o ya how to make sure that day time alk it didnt go fluctuation? at day time i not home cant really have chance to measure. 2 days ago 20% change yesterday 20% change now salifade test kit MG -1200 salifade test kit CA - 460 salifade test kit KH - 9
  3. ya i did a 20% change last night, all other lps is ok only sps problem
  4. hmmm some how my another new birdnest sps is bleaching very very slowly from bottom up, 1 mm per week. bleach up. realise only those with spores open up have these issue. some other sps no issue like monti api test kit ------po4 near zero first colour on chart salifade test kit no3 0.2 api test kit ------no2 near zero first colour on chart api test kit ------amonia near zero first colour on chart salifade test kit MG -1500 salifade test kit CA - 520 salifade test kit KH - 12 PH 24hr meter - 8.4 constant temp 26-27 i think i have enough light so far not light issue. because is 30 cm away from 150 W MH + 4 tube T5 so far i google the info most related to my issue is this http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/121113/srep00804/full/srep00804.html maybe tonight get some pic
  5. ic seems they are not harmful. i wonder should i catch a fish put in and eat them then put the fish back to main tank when they gone i read at google Spirorbid came when tank is new, but mine is not so new. recently i buy some coral. i guess they are in the rock of the coral pods hmm i then let them be , they might be eaten once they flow to main tank, by fish or coral
  6. i have these creature infested in my sump, nothing at main tank. circle in yellow looks like snail. circle in red is crawing on the glass is at my refreguim compartment, next compartment will be return to main tank
  7. hi guys does any 1 know that every month we are paying $1 to CDAC? i just came across to know about it, is that i just start a business, then realise that i have to make my employee pay $1 out of their pocket. so i ask my employee, most of them dont even know after many years of working but then they found out that it can be opt out so, every 1 opt out for it, it also make my paper work easier no half yes half no. http://www.cdac.org.sg/cdac_corp/resource/application_form/optout.pdf imagine singapore have 5million people $1 per mth wao thats how much per month?? well i just to share with those guys like me who doesnt even know about it after working for so many years. i personally feel thats not fair, at least if you know and give i am ok with it. well i personally stop believing donation after seeing so many fuad cases. if i want i might as well do it with my own hands to help people that need on week ends. guys who wants to opt out simply fill the form and give to HR, they can send email to feedback@cdac.org.sg then HR will stop the payment just to share
  8. omg they eat it like that . . . cant imagine how much we pay for to get them into our tank. if they know the price i think they will chose to sell to us
  9. thats sad because flame knows u want to sell him away.
  10. actually if u have budget, i think u can try tao bao china website, i got my dosing pump there for $120 new. there many things to buy so far my luck still ok to get working ones hee hee. u know ya china need some luck on buying equipment
  11. i wonder how to make cheato grow, mine always dissolved
  12. left in circle when put in is purple and nice then 1 week turn bit brown 2 week bottom start to bleach right side in red circle lower bottom bleach liao, i believe the bleach part cannot recover kh 9 cal = 380 mg i think 1100, a bit forget measure few days ago remember is just nice below required a bit ph 8.3 amonia = 0 no2 = 0 no3 = i think 5? btw first colour chart and 2nd T5 4 tube, 2 blue plus , 1 white , 1 purple and 8 hr per day picture taken 2-3 week ago now totally which and gone before it gone it still opens same with my first picture on the right it opens but then below still bleaching but my other LPS is doing good. well the only problem i think of is light my tank is beside window sunlight can go in a bit 20%? no algae at main tank coz i got a algae scrubber doing well well now i trying to save my sps at the most left as bleach is still not that bad now my tank spec 4Tube T5 , newly change 3 tube blue plus ati, 1 purple ati 8 mth 8 hours daily MH 14k 150W 5hours daily Algae Scrubber with 18W Warm white and 18W pure White run 8 hr oppersite of my main tank 8 hours no light from electric but there is a bit sunlight Skimz Skimmer 201 24hr manually add in mg,ca,kh, strongtium weekly dose 5 in 1 coral good 2 times a week 2 caps each return pump 3000 flow rate 2 X wave maker at main tank both blow diagonally from bottom to upwards.
  13. well i new to SPS recently i got 3 SPS but 2 dead last 1 is bleaching from bottom well i think mine is light not enough initially i using T5 4 tube 39 W 2 blue plus, 1 white, 1 purple. when i realise that sps is dying is kinda too late coz the SPS all bleach from bottom, due to i stuck them in btw rock it might not receive enough light when i realise that i change all T5 now 3 blue plus 1 purple then i add a clip on MH 150 Watt 14K quite white version well i wonder if SPS start bleaching at bottom will it recover? and also all top parts spores do open maybe tonight i tank some pictures My tank 3 2 2
  14. well my tank no algae issue, i have algae scrubber in sump seems quite ok also i place beside window, i wonder does it helps my sps
  15. hi kkk121 i leonard that guy get cheato from you remember we meet at aqua marine few weeks ago, i got an sps, well is my 2nd sps some how colour not as nice as first buy, i suspect light issue. coz i think light bulb 1 year plus ready sps place just 15-20 cm from my T5 i using ATI T5 4Tube. 2 blue, 1 purple, 1 white LPS all are doing great. and also i always have this problem is that always get blue mushroom put in my tank not blue liao lol,
  16. i wonder how often does you all change your T5? mine is 1 year plus no spoil, but is it good to change?
  17. well I tried off all pump etc let partical settle then water is very clear. ph 8.4 ammonia first meansurement one chart which should be 0 no2 also first colour on chart no3 2nd colour on chart 10mp or less and wash filter socks but then still have particals
  18. there are very little micro bubbles, i off skimmer ready
  19. above shows my tank with particals i still cannot solve it some people say is pod, well i dont know
  20. ic, shimming effect might loss some if there is T5 but then MH with T5 will get the best shimming effect i believe. right but i keep not using MH due to heat
  21. ic , and also there is no way to create shadowing effet from T5 ya?
  22. i using 4 tube T5 notice i never create a shadowing effect, is it only MH and LED can create this effect? i considering to get either add on MH hangon or add on LED light set. if i get LED will my T5 affect the shadowing effect?
  23. ic i think i saw some of these carrb sand at iwana and farms near there or where can i find it? 0-1 size is very light i wonder will it flow away
  24. hi there Recently i trying to make my water crystal clear but it might take some time. there is a few things that cause the water at my main tank to have micro particals 1) very fine sand (quite a bit) 2) Pods 3) fish's shit 4) micro bubble (very little) i will like to ask what sand to use for sump refrigum? i have a 4 compartment sump, my 3rd is empty, 4th is return pump but there between them i can put filter sponge notice those fine sand settle at my 3rd compartment, i might as well make it as refrigum compartment what sand do u guys put in? live carrbiand sand? i see see at some place they are quite fine. As i see at some place that sell coral chip, they have this c-3 size which i think is just nice. maybe i can get any sand that size similar to c-3 any recommandation?
  25. due to shift house, I also just set up thank 1 mth ago, but is from old tank to new tank fish immediate transfer in with water just mix for 12 hr, but then all my rock is very life, no fish die due to new tank but, when catch fish that time my flame angel too sensitive dead while traveling
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