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  1. HI all whole set has reserve. Thread closed Thanks for all supports Cheers....
  2. HI all. i'm selling a 2.5ft x2ft x2ft tank. 10mm glass thickness cabinet with 2ft sump n pipinig overflow box and together with Eheim 1260 return pupm. Selling at $150. All items are in working conditions Equiment: and LR 1) Fiji live Rocks 40-50KG Medium-XL size. $130 2) Giesemann RAZOR T-5 (2x24 watt) Light. used 4 mth old. $160 3) Reef Octopus NW 110 skimmer. used 4 mth old. $80 4) Eheim 1260 pums. used 1 year+ prefer to sell it with tank. prefer to sell as a whole package for $450 can arrange for viewing stay at yishun Interested can PM me or you can sms me 97383747. Pls arrange your own transportation.
  3. 1) RESUN Chiller CL-650 1/4HP used less than 1.5year $150 wif temp controller. SOLD and collected 2) Live Rocks abt 40KG Medium to XL size. $130 rocks both it from coral farm. Fish. 3x chromis fish all 1.5" $5 SOLD and collected 1x Three strige damsel 1.5" $5 1x yellow damsel 2"$5 1x maroom Clownfish 2.5" $20 1x bicolor pseudochromis fish 2" $10 SOLD and collected 1x sailfin tang desjardini 3" $15 SOLD and collected 1x Purple Tang 4" $60 SOLD All fish with me for 8-9mths all are in good coloration n conditon feeds on brineshrimps n bassleer's food. can arrange for viewing collection at yishun. interested sms me 97383747 thanks for reading . take all fishes below here for $40 1x Three strige damsel 1.5" 1x yellow damsel 2" 1x maroom Clownfish 2.5" and this fish below.
  4. I don"t know what name this tang call. I'm selling $20 is abt 2.5inch. purple tang $60 maroon clownfish $20. Damsel $5
  5. 1) RESUN Chiller CL-650 1/4HP used less than 1.5year $150 wif temp controller. SOLD and collected 2) Live Rocks abt 40KG Medium to XL size. $130 rocks both it from coral farm. Fish. 3x chromis fish all 1.5" $5 SOLD and collected 1x Three strige damsel 1.5" $5 1x yellow damsel 2"$5 1x maroom Clownfish 2.5" $20 1x bicolor pseudochromis fish 2" $10 SOLD and collected 1x sailfin tang desjardini 3" $15 SOLD and collected 1x Purple Tang 4" $60 All fish with me for 8-9mths all are in good coloration n conditon feeds on brineshrimps n bassleer's food. can arrange for viewing collection at yishun. interested sms me 97383747 thanks for reading .
  6. HI ALL. will be seilling above item n Fish. 1) RESUN Chiller CL-650 1/4HP used less than 1.5year $150 wif temp controller. 2) Live Rocks abt 40KG Medium to XL size. $130 rocks both it from coral farm. Fish. 3x chromis fish all 1.5" $5 1x Three strige damsel 1.5" $5 1x yellow damsel 2"$5 1x maroom Clownfish 2.5" $20 1x bicolor pseudochromis fish 2" $10 1x sailfin tang desjardini 3" $15 1x Purple Tang 4" $60 All fish with me for 8-9mths all are in good coloration n conditon feeds on brineshrimps n bassleer's food. can arrange for viewing collection at yishun. interested sms me 97383747 thanks for reading .
  7. ALL coral sold. Thread closed. NOW fishes for sale. I will post on the wed later. Intertested can messages me. Thanks for supports.
  8. Update. green Branching octo--$20sold plate coral--$10 clam--$15 sun coral--$30sold. OK left only plate coral and clams Selling $20
  9. Update. green Branching octo--$20 $15 plate coral--$15 $10 clam--$20 $15 sun coral--$30sold. sms 97383747.
  10. Update. green Branching octo--$20 plate coral--$15 clam--$20 sun coral--$30sold.
  11. HI.ALL will be selling off above items pic attached below: Green Branching octo. $20 sun corel $30 plate coral $15 clam coral $20 interested can pm me your contact:
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