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  1. All fish adopted. Thank you everyone.
  2. Sorry Bro, forgot to mention at ghim moh. Got to bring own bag though.
  3. Sorry guys, not sure it's fine to post non-marine fish stuff here. But we have some freshwater fish to give away. Found them abandoned by pple at the lift lobby. So picked them home n hope to give them a better home.
  4. All fishes reserved by a bro. If that bro decides to give up, they will be passed to the next bro in line.Thanks everyone for the interest.
  5. Hi there, I have a black/white clown fish (dunno actual name), blue damsel and yellow watchman goby to give away. They have all been with me for >1yr and feeding on pellets. So are stable fish. Decomming my tank so want to give away to fellow hobbyist. Prefer you to take all at one go and preference will be given to those who can take it from me today. Collection place in Yishun. Thanks.
  6. Anyone selling Chaeto in the North? Would like to get a beancurd container worth of it. Thank you. Cheers, Lawrence
  7. Have not been updating. Maybe I'll show a pic of my latest addition: mini anemones. Got two of them and below is one. Will try to get other photos out from the camera. Meanwhile, just one photo to show for now. As for my zoa, most of them have started their usual pattern of slow shrinking. Almost all the new zoas I have got recently started to shrink, closing up and colony reducing in size...all except those bought from Cedric. So basically, the sunflower, pink panther and blue hornet that I got from him have at least doubled in the number of polyps. The rest...I don't know how to save them...
  8. Going to collect the sea hare tonight. Thanks bro mengyang_neo for his kind gesture. This hare shall begin its 'Singapore tour' in my tank. After he's done with his job here, I shall pass him on to someone who needs his service.
  9. Sump tank pending collection tomorrow.
  10. Hi there, Anyone selling theirs (small size) or know any LFS selling? Or loan one for one-two months also ok. Lol...guarantee live one back. Cheers, Lawrence
  11. Hi all, Have a sump tank for sale. Got it from a reefer in Mar'2012 but I found another sump bigger. So now selling this smaller one. Dimension is 33cm L x 23cm W x 36cm H. Selling for $50 (got it for $70/$80. can't remember) and collection in Yishun (office hr) or AMK (after office hr). Below is a picture (borrowed from the original owner's pic). Still look the same but doesn't come with that piping.
  12. Can, but u hv to hold it there until it sticks on the glass one day. haha...juz joking. Use glue stick it on the glass is faster. On rock, we can still use rubber band to hold it until it sticks naturally. On glass, quite tough. Bro Kaykay's suggestion of using a black acrylic to cover the back is also good.
  13. GSP grows together on a purple color mat. If your frag comes on a rock, then you hv to get it off the rock in order to stick on the wall. For my case, my Blue Tang actually pulled the whole GSP off the rock (maybe it wasn't stick very tightly on the rock in the first place). So I took the whole piece of GSP, put glue gel on the bottom of the purple mat and stick it onto another rock of my choice.
  14. You might want to rotate your pic in photobucket? Cos it appears this way when inserted here.
  15. put superglue gel on the GSP mat and stick it on the wall.
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