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Everything posted by s9534891b

  1. yesterday i went to aquastar trading at yishun have lots of naso and scopas tang as well as vroliki and some small boxfish and porcupine fish.
  2. I would like to know if is it possible to keep sebae monos in marine tank and what requirements must need to keep the fishes?
  3. As for now, the yellowtail damsel died , while the the bigger clownfish chases the smaller clownfish most of the time, and i don"t know what is the reason for chasing also, can anyone tell me why did it chase the smaller one?
  4. Pinnacle aquatic got sell tank breed clownfish?

  5. now blue devil currently having frayed fins not sure what to do with it.
  6. i had wanted to make these changes as adviced . my teacher even to me to say bye bye to the fishes if it is carry on like that i also advice my parents about the fishes long term concern but they said that as so long as the fishes are okay now it should be fine.
  7. the second picures , this time with all the bullies,not even that. the female blue devil kept chasing each other and the clowns were also fighting among themselves(notshown in pictures) and also joint attack th yellowtail damsel. now, its tail is gone.
  8. after a few month of planning, my teacher finally gave me a tank but at first, there was one yellow tail damsel,but suddenly my father added a few fishes wich they started to create. havoc in the tank. note;yellow tail damsel lost parts of its tail
  9. after a few month of planning, my teacher finally gave me a tank but at first, there was one yellow tail damsel,but suddenly my father added a few fishes wich they started to create. havoc in the tank.
  10. a newly described clownfish that belongs to the skunk clown complex.called Amphiprion pacificus
  11. tailess clownfishes. not commonly seen in marine but common in freshwater cichilds like the wel know luohan and the red parrot cichilds.
  12. Does m3morph sell tank raised clowns?

    1. M3Morph


      Hi bro, we do have snowflakes pair, picasso pair that are tank bred.

  13. is 5mm tickness class enough for 18 galloon marine tank?

  14. is atlantis aquatic lifestyle tampine mall a good place to buy marine fish?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. s9534891b


      i also dunno how to explain also.in will go and observe someday.

    3. Terryz_


      Edwin, Yes it is the same one..

    4. Terryz_


      Yong, the price will knock you off your chair...

  15. why is wong loy lee aquarium not a very good place to by marine fish?
  16. hougang area got marine fish shop?

  17. plaza singapura there got one amb aquaric hub, funny, seldom see people buying marine fish from there, why?

    1. screamyourheartout


      they sell their marine fish very ex there. i mean really ex lik 2-3x more

    2. s9534891b


      but their marine fish there is it all tank breed or wild caught?

    3. screamyourheartout


      not sure but saw this normal foxface selling for around $70.

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