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Everything posted by L0rdDracula

  1. I believe it is a exquisite wrasse from the colour design.
  2. Good day, anyone have any idea what fish is this?its the one on the left. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the replies~ here is the first photo... recently many interesting inverterbrates...
  4. Hi, anyone have any idea what is this two creature?? Are this reef safe??
  5. Good day, Realise my flame angel has something growing near its mouth which look like fungi. Check what illness it gotten and how to cure it. Thanks. Regards, Chris
  6. Thanks to all replies. Appreciate it.
  7. Good day to all, I have a leopard wrasse that is terrorising my tank and i wish to remove it but i dont an idea how to. Kindly advise which method is the best for catching fish? Thanks Regards, Chris
  8. getting back to reefing~ soo exciting~

  9. Thanks all for the reply. Really appreciate it. =)
  10. Good day, I have some carbon that is flown into my main tank from my sump, Check will that be harmful in the long run especially if I plan to keep sea cucumber in the future? Thanks
  11. Yea. Staying same old place. Just started cycling my tank on Friday night.
  12. Good day, I am setting up my tank and I have interest in keeping leopard wrasse that sleep in sand as such would like advise from seniors here. What is the minimum depth of sand should I have to keep it? Much thanks for your help. =) Regards, Chris
  13. Hi sherman, Long time no see, fts? Haha... I am coming back to reefing soon... One day chiong farm tgt?
  14. I see... Thanks alot =) really appreciate it
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