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Everything posted by mashmallow

  1. Hi Reefers I looking for 2nd hand Sulphur Reactor. Pls kindly PM me your HP Number and I will get in touch with you asap!!
  2. Dont want any hate mails for this matter....so far none lah but if you think wat I am doing is wrong just PM me ok.
  3. okay for sam am changing post to shrimp with brownies or cookies for sales....meant for fish!! Human eat at your own risk. Just joking huh!!!
  4. Sorry people sold out alr....will post on forum again when my next batch of shrimp babies are ready.... All shrimps sold to VanDeam.
  5. sorry mod picture abit too bit casue the object too small...thanks for understanding!!
  6. Hi All Reefers, I have lots of home breed Marine Shrimp. Selling at $0.35 per shrimp and min purchase x 30. Self collect in the east. Size: Length ( 2-4cm) Dia (0.5-1cm) Ideal for feeding it to Frogfish, Eels, Lionfish, Rays, Angelfish, Batfish, Groupers, Hogfish,Scorpions, Puffers, Boxfish, Squirrelfish, sharks, Wrasse, Triggerfish and etc. For octopus and cuttlefish lovers this will be a good treat too as it provides your cuttlefish with both the proteins and calcium needed. Interested Parties pls PM me for collection!!
  7. Hi I have 3 Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) of the size of 4-5cm in lenght for sale. Price at $10 each. Self collect in the east.
  8. Hi any body selling away their T5 Lighting. Pls PM me price and details. Thanks!!! Complete Set - M reflector, e ballast, water proof T5 endcaps and etc.
  9. but seriouly taboo like this is good....people just like to bitch and we love to see this kind of news and gossips....well at least I can see for myself that this keep this traffic up to the roof!!! Not that bad after all.....
  10. Actually bro if you compare this with other forums of food mixed that contains spriruzina the total intake of this substance will be higher. Powder or not try feeding withthis sets of instruction and wastage will be reduce greatly!!! Bro you dont feed the Spiruzina powder directly into the water lah!! Follow this sets of instruction as follow. 1)Mix spirulina with some water(not to much). 2)Stir it with a spoon until its fully dissolved 3)Throw your Brine or Mysis into mixture stir it 4)You should see a paste like effect at the end 5)Feed it to your fish as many times as you can daily. You will see the results......in no time!!!
  11. SPIRUZINA is natural spray dried Spirulina micro-algae ( in powder form) and it's the Ultimate "SuperFood" suitable for all marine fish species. It is grown and harvest in the U.S.A. Studies had shown that Spirulina enhances coloration of fish as it contains High level of Carotenoid and to help to increase uniform growth rates in them. The reproduction in fish had also been reported to increase after the use of spirulina. This super food has the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in food - animal or plant. Quoted from http://www.fishnfriends.com/Spiruzina.html
  12. Shouting out Loud!! "Don"..... Bro you dont feed the Spiruzina powder directly into the water lah!! Follow this sets of instruction as follow. 1)Mix spirulina with some water(not to much). 2)Stir it with a spoon until its fully dissolved 3)Throw your Brine or Mysis into mixture stir it 4)You should see a paste like effect at the end 5)Feed it to your fish as many times as you can daily. You will see the results......in no time!!!
  13. Reefer with Angels pls dont PM me as I had got no more room for them...Thanks!!
  14. Looking for FISH with Size of 5 - 6 inch and above. Pls PM me. Thanks alot!!!
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