Too bad I am keeping 3 now. Just added 1 more today. Notice that they had been feeding on the lettuce, hope they can survived long. Now trying to grow algae in the tank, see whether they will eat or not.
The LFS is called Lim Pet House or something like tat. It is at serangoon there where Petmart is located. It is manned by a old man and he claimed tat he had sold many and so far no problem with it.
So if i keep in a species tank, wat is the requirement? Need algae to survive? Wat about the water temp? I just bought 2 pcs today and intend to keep in a species only tank. Pls advise wat is the best way to keep these things. Thanks.
Thanks guy for all your help. Was quite worrying cos 1st time into marine and wife keep asking wat is come suddenly appeared and seems to be growing bigger n bigger.... (see alien movies too much)