Hi Bro SM, thanks for sharing with us how to DIY this algae scrubber. After running this for nearly 10 months for my 3 feet, i have not look back since. It has solve my high NO3 & PO4 problem. From >100 to 3mg/L (NO3), >3mg/L to 0.03mg/L (PO4), both using salifert test kit, live rocks covered with red algae to live rocks covered with purple coralline algae, tank with algaes growing everywhere to spotless one, it is really amazing. Thanks for this wonderful info. A short info to others on my setup, dedicated aquabee 1000 to supply water to my vertical screen, 8" by 10" (a bit under size). Took me 1 hours to rough up both sides of the screen. Two 24W Philips Tornado, one on each side running 18hrs a day. Cool daylight. Clean the screen every 5 days. Took me 2 months to see NO3 & PO4 results dropping. No magic here, i follow Bro SM recommendations closely and of course, patience. Good luck to all who wants to give this alternative method a try. Once again, thanks to Bro SM.