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Everything posted by demonsori

  1. no car...take bus and walk in too much trouble...work schedule rather tight...
  2. anyone living near bedok has 4-6 to sell ?? do PM me if u do.... tight schedule so can only deal sunday 22nd March @ Bedok mrt...
  3. bro...care to sell a polyp each of all the shrooms u have in the pic ?? do PM me if u willing sell and the price can ?? very interested..
  4. where to collect ?? u happen to stay bedok ?
  5. where's west coast market bro???
  6. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=76066 there u go...have 3 free polyps individually attached to 2mm coral rubble
  7. not gd at zoa ID...but the blue one at the bottom right corner of the 1st pic looks nice...wanna exchange a frag for 3 polyps of blue spotted red mushrooms??
  8. ups...more recent pics...shrooms r multiplying would consider other nicer shrooms as well..
  9. more clearer pics.... is it the snail that bores into clams mantle ??? had 3 clams die in my tank previously.... does it harm other snails/ corals ??
  10. any idea what snail is this and is there any danger it poses to corals ?? its "head" is like a thin tube unlike turbos
  11. just to make sure...T5 actinics need no special fixture and can be used in a standard T5HO fixture right ??? have 2x 24 watt 10k tubes... if i change one to actinics, will there be better light penetration or will the soft corals be shocked ?? besides looking more blue/ pleasing to the eye, does it benefit zoas/ mushrooms/ anemone/ coraline ??
  12. anyone else keeping red people eater zoas here ??? dun seem to see them growing much....cant find much info online too...
  13. Price lowered to $17.... or trade with stripped/ spotted mushrooms or nice zoas of similar value...pics will b gd.
  14. Is this mushroom avail bro ??? if yes sms me the price can ? 96405360 if sold its ok....
  15. Does the bottled distilled water lower the PH of the tank water ?? Do i need to add anything or just top up straight from the bottle?
  16. Care to share with me what brand of bottled distilled water easily purchased from supermarkets that you guys use to top up evaporated water ??
  17. Brand new SeaChem PH and ALK test kit.... Never got to use as I have test strips and find it too troublesome... Bought at $29 selling $20.... Self collect clarke quay/ harbourfront mrt/ clementi mrt 96405360 if interested...
  18. your pink RBTA looks happy.... have an exact one that looked like that for one year but no it opens to only a 50cent coin size max....care to share your water turnover rate and lighting specs ?? u happen to feed it anything ???
  19. care to sell the above frag ?? if yes PM me ???
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