wish to buy the above...hopefully chaeto and snails from same seller ( separate is fine....)
looking to deal at clementi mrt next week anytime 8am to 1pm....
or bedok mrt evenings..
do PM if selling....
bro..interested but busy work schedule...can deal at bedok mrt tml night (thurs) ard 8pm ? $35 is fine...
sms 96405360 if timing and place is ok..otherwise u can release to others..
its an anti-external parasite/ anti-bacterial "dip"/ bath where the fish is captured and left in a container of aged water with potassium permanganate of a measured concentration...
its like an anti-bacterial medicine, used in stronger doses to kill planaria and flukes and external fish parasites..usually sold in crystal form as prepared solutions liquid forms not so effective...make sure u know the exact volume of the container u gonna do the bath n calculate dosage very carefully..usually its the double dosage for saltwater..
y not just use distilled freshwater dip ??
---main tank dosing is mainly used in freshwater tanks...NOT RECOMMENDED for dosing in main tank--reef or even fowlr tanks with corals and live rocks...risks heavily outweigh the benefits
FOR a new tank with dead rocks y not strip everything start anew ??benefits of getting liverocks r plenty so y not consider at least 50/50 live rocks n dead rocks??
as above...have 5 polyps larger than 20cents when open..
actual pics under 12k lighting below...
polyps will be attached to coral chip/small LR
preferred are purple//blue/green sps such as stags/branching monti/digitata or same coloured zoas....
location bedok, sms 96405360 if interested
selling the above hermit crab, kept over 1 yr, 1-inch plus abit
reason being changing shells non-stop and killing turbo snails above 1 inch
change of mind...gf setting up separate tank for it cos attached to it...
product specs
anyone using the above lightset ?? does the 4 tubes come on with 1 switch or 2 switches ?? and does the led moonlight come with its own power plug for separate timer connection ?