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Everything posted by mystique

  1. That's great! Just in case FH plans to upgrade to bigger tank. And thanks all for sharing that thingy about assembling the tank at home. Cool idea indeed! *smiles*
  2. Hmmm.. okay. Would a normal 4x2x2 ft tank fit into a normal lift? My metric skills sucks and the lifts for my new flat ain't ready yet. As in not open for public yet.
  3. Hi All: I'm concerned about delivery charges for tanks to new flats. Usually there are standard flat rates for delivery of tanks, no? But if let's say the guy has to deliver to high floors say 12-28 floors, will they charge extra because they have to take the stairs to such high levels (assuming the tank/cabinet cannot fit inside the lift)? BTW, what size of tank is considered too big for the lift? TIA!
  4. Yeah, on my poor zoos.. Mine is the maned nudibranch. Apparently their diet is sea anemones, with a preference for the Frilled Anemone. I have none of those in my tank but you never know if they take a sudden liking to my zoos or mushrooms. Plus, I have two maned nudibranch in my tank and I guess those eggs must be theirs. And knowing that nudibranch are hermaphrodites, any two can lay more eggs.. Am now thinking of removing the nudibranch. One is stuck on the glass and another is in hiding.
  5. Thanks pegasus but the link should be this one here.. Nudibranch Eggs Another pic I got from the web.. *pardon me for the size* Anyway, the eggs are on my zoos and so I could not bear to throw the whole rock away. What I did this afternoon was to scrap those eggs off though it was tough, especially when their texture is like jelly and all. The rock is now not totally 100% free from eggs now - there's a few tiny strands though. But I think and I hope it'll be safe enough for now.
  6. Apparently these are the eggs of nudibranch.. Just found out. If you wanna follow the thread, it's here.. Nudibranch Eggs
  7. Not sure if they're poisonous.. Still trying to find more info on the eggs..
  8. Found several cones of nudibranch eggs on my zoos - bearing in mind that each cones has about 10K to 100K eggs. What should I do with them? Pluck each one out and throw or just leave them alone?
  9. Hey, yeap! I tried googling for 'maned nudibranch' and yeap, it is indeed a maned nudibranch. Thanks!
  10. Initially I thought it was an anemone too.. But then I saw that it has those anthers.. Another pic of it 'crawling' on the glass. Not a very good shot but I hope it'll do.
  11. Errr... sure? I can now see both the attached pics and can open the links. Hmmm.. anyone else?
  12. Hi All: Bought some mushrooms and zoos today and realised that this creature was attached to one of the rocks. Need help in identifying this guy.. Is it a sea slug? 1st pic is a close up and 2nd is the sea slug attached on the mushroom rock. Also, if it's indeed a sea slug, will it harm my mushroom or zoos? TIA! *smiles* ETA: Noticed the line "user posted image" in my post and so just in case the pics doesn't show, here are the links: Pic 1 Pic 2
  13. Found this on my rock when I bought it yesterday. Any idea what it is? TIA!
  14. Hi All: Bought some mushrooms and zoos today and realised that this creature was attached to one of the rocks. Need help in identifying this guy.. Is it a sea slug? 1st pic is a close up and 2nd is the sea slug attached on the mushroom rock. Also, if it's indeed a sea slug, will it harm my mushroom or zoos? TIA! *smiles* ETA: Noticed the line "user posted image" in my post and so just in case the pics doesn't show, here are the links: Pic 1 Pic 2
  15. You have the mag, right? Does it say anything about subscription? Or perhaps you can tell us the publishing co's name.
  16. That's a great one! LOL! Thanks for sharing!
  17. For those who didn't get tix for the NDP, you can still catch the fireworks at Marina on 1st, 8th and 15th Aug. Can check here for the events listing! I'm definitely gonna go catch them considering the Govt spend millions on the fireworks display this year!
  18. PETA has released the results of its investigation. Read more here. http://www.kfccruelty.com/
  19. That's such a pity. Well, hope next year you have better luck and this time round, make sure you remember to pick up the tix.
  20. I bought some cleaner shrimps from there some time last week on two different occasions. The first time I bought it, it was ok and the shrimp is still with me now. But it was heart-wrenching to note that the other pair that i got during my 2nd purchase died within a day or so. But yeah, I saw a lot of dead fishes in the big tank (centre lane). Some were almost rotting.
  21. Hi Lee: That's such a waste.. *hugs* Why don't you try calling them and ask if you could collect it elsewhere? Hope they could accomodate your request. Good luck!
  22. Hi All: Would like to know if a 10000K MH 150W is whiter than a 20000K one? TIA!
  23. Blk 817, Woodlands Street 82 By Public Transport Take train to Woodlands Mrt Station. Walk towards Woodlands CC. Walk straight and Blk 817 will be on the right after Fu Shan garden. The walk will take about 10 mins or so. Alternatively, you can take feeder bus 911 from Woodlands Bus Interchange (located below the MRT station). Alight when you see Woodlands North Plaza on your right. From the bus stop, walk straight up the blocks directly behind the bus stop (no need to cross over.) Blk 817 is just about two blocks away. By Private Transport From SLE, exit at Woodlands Ave 2. Go straight all the way and make a U-turn at the junction of Ave 5. Go straight and turn left into Woodlands CC. Go straight and turn right at the 1st junction you see. Wlds North Plaza will now be on your left. Turn right into the parking area for Block 817. Hope that helps! *smiles*
  24. Actually now that I've ID-ed the Red Grape Algae, I think Admin/Mod may delete this thread or move it back to the ID forum. Thank you for accomodating my request. As for Tropic: I hope you can start a new thread on Propagation of Red Grape Algae. Hope you don't mind.
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