Hi guys, my blue ric is still not sticking on rock for abt a month! I want it to stick so I can move it up to a prime spot as I read tt it needs strong light to remain colorful... Any help would be appreciated
Well at GO now... Lotsa gems... Lost for words to describe... Bought some fire and ice zoas and some bubbles and green rics... Now how am I suppose to go back home...
Well, just performed a sand bed cleaning and its cleaner, free of diatoms...
Dusty water are floating particles from sand bed cleaning, like kena earthquake like tt... Sorry for messy tank quite empty now... Want to look for gems but no time... Haiz
Not quite true now i'm on the verge of quiting... Just hanging there only cos no time to visit LFS to gain corals and therefore interest drops... But i really don't wanna quit...
Yea found it unbelivable when I heard it from some friends but this doesn't stop me from listening to her music! Her music's great favourite hits of mine are poker face, just dance and bad romance... A great artist who mad it to the top 20 almost always
Well guys, went missing for a went missing for a while and guess the break is over...
Missing the fun of having corals fully open and having lots of skimmate that's what i missed when i took a break from reefing...
For now its still the RSM (ps if some of you tot i've upgraded)
Current tank: