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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Lol....big bro, you sure know what's the best zoas specimen to add for your precious real estate Come on over bro, i will be happy to pass you a frag to try
  2. Thanks bro for your kind words Thanks James, hope to have you over for kopi some time in the near future Thanks Raymus, btw I still 'otang' your friend a tube of BSI gel for his lucky draw the other time, hope I can pass it to you when i next meet up with you Brother, your zoas collection is equally inspiring too, was thinking of paying you and Ah Lee a visit soon
  3. Lol....which angels you are releasing ? I heard it's quite unpredictable, especially the big angels
  4. Dear Bro, thanks for your enquiry. You can refer to my earlier zoas thread under the topic "colorful zoas flower" for the the pricing, or you might wanna pm me which one you are keen and i will reply you accordingly. Thanks
  5. Dear Zoas lovers, Am delighted to present the following all new collectors series for zoas lovers What's exciting about this sales is a Buy any TWO ( List A ) Get ONE FREE ( List B ) promotion, while stock last ! Those who get 4 and above from list A will get additional 15% off Here we go for List A : Authentic Nuclear Green - $88 ( only one frag ) AOI - $68 Dragon Eye - $68 Orange Delight - $68 Awesome Blossom - $88 ( only 3 frags ) Black Hole Sun - $68 Mandrain Orange - $128 (only two frags) Nu#e Beaches - $68 Incredible Green Hulk - $68 Strawberry Garden - $88 ( only two frags) List B Sunflower Sunkist Clementine Purple Death Gorilla Nipple Peacock Eye Lights of Amazon Yellow Eagle Eye Balladonna Laffy Taffy Interested bros / sis kindly pm for viewing and collection arrangement. Reservation possible only for genuine reefers with non-refundable advance deposit ( hope for your kind understanding). Kindly note that availability of zoas from List B will be strictly base on FCFS basis ! Cheers and happy ZOOFING to all
  6. Surprise to see you decom CK, all the best to your sale
  7. Wow...finally surface liao. Yet the tank still look so good was just thinking how come you have been missing for a quite a while...you must be using the state of the art rebreather for your dive is it
  8. Great to have you back bro
  9. Pardon me for the ignorance, but is this bandit ? or is this the highly sort after Black Mask Angel ?
  10. Glad the buyer gets the good skimmer, uppzz for your remaining sales
  11. Blaster alone may not be as effective, reason is AEFW has a strong grip and very difficult to be dislodge without stunning them to make them loose the grip. Best is to use both RX and blast. Dip the suspected AEFW sps with RX and leave it for about 2 minutes and star using a blaster and blast every single part to dislodge the AEFW that has been stunned by the medication. Try your best to blast the pest off as quickly as possible and the entire process should not exceed 10-15 minutes, as prolong dipping and blasting will be hurting the sps itself. After which, place the treated sps back to the tank and let it recover, hopefully it will recover fully. 6 lines will be a good wrasse to control AEFW though not full prove.
  12. Upzz for a very nice colony shape at a nice price
  13. So loving pair it seems may be the MCYS should contact you for a commercial on this pair to promote family planning for the young singaporeans
  14. No problem Frank, just share my experience on this area that's all. As for Kh, IMO, it's better to bring up the Kh to around 8-9 dkh if possible, this will allows more buffering zone when your kh either goes up or down for some unexpected reasons. But raise your kh in progressive and slow manner. There are so many brands out there to raise kh, it's essentially sodium bicarbonate. I do not wish to indicate any specific brands over here, but guess the more establish brands should warrant your peace of mind. Different SPS has different tolerance on kh, lightings, iodine, magnesium and so on. So it's no surprise to see different SPS responses differently from light changes. I agree with Thomas, light changes should be introduce with precautions, the methods are suggested by him which are good practices. There again, how many of the reefers are so meticulous and can faithfully follow the advice, not many i think.
  15. Hi Frank, It's actually normal for SPS to exhibit a browning effect when they experience a drastic change in lighting condition. It's a self-protecting behavior trigger by the SPS (the host) to regulate and increase the amount of zooxanthellae so as to ensure survival. In the case of sudden excessive of light intensity, there will be bleaching. But if the increase (or decrease) of light intensity is not overwhelming, then the browning effect could take place and most probably happens to your case. As long as the SPS are still healthy with PE, then there should be no cause for worries, but you probably need to give them time to adjust to your new lighting and colour up again, well that needs some time and you got to be patient for this to happen. As for the bulbs, I agree with Hotsoup that Reeflux has got a more intense blue spectrum over BLV. However if you prefer even more bluish effect, go for Radium blub. Hope it's helpful to you. Cheers
  16. Hey bro, thanks for sharing your nice set-up and seems like things are going slow but steady As for the po4, don't get stress over it for now as it will be pointless to get it to zero for now. You have to give it a go and let your system run first, eventually once your tank is cycled and bio balance is achieved, only then you wanna fine tune your po4, either thru biological or chemical means. Btw, po4 will still be present somehow and get lock up onto your rock in the course of your reefing journey, so it's a constant battle as far as enclosed system is concern. Cheers and happy setting up
  17. Woww....that's cool mann. I have seen these beauties in some reefers tank and find their orchard color so nice ! Bro reserve 6 for me ...get me the chiochio ones ya
  18. No worries bro, wait till you buy me a landed house as big as yours hor...dont say 6 ft, 12 ft also no sweat lor Anyway, thanks so much for the bros who has responded well to the special promo all the zoas frag pack has all been snapped up...though SPS frag pack still have balanced two but guess the offer will expired in 30 mins time. Thanks so much for the kind support once again
  19. Thanks bro for your word of support, havent been catching up with you though...hope to see you around someday Lol...I thought so too hehee
  20. If only there is a Surge Generator to mimic the nature's surge during a heavy thunder storm, that will be truly awesome
  21. Ah Girl, did i hear correctly ? 3 feet ? i tot last time we talk about 9 ft and above ??
  22. Joe May i know how many Orchard Dottyback can you keep in a single tank, say for a 4 ft tank ?
  23. Lol....what you doing at 3am and not sleeping ? mid-night patrol your tank is it
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