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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Lol yeah...right here waiting for you
  2. Hi SK-II, thanks for your interest. I collected these zoas over time, some of them so long as 5 years back and managed to culture them into bigger numbers Please let me know which frag pack you are keen. You can pm me for viewing and collection arrangement. Cheers
  3. Dear Zoafers, Zook A and Zook B series are now ready Buyers who got the frag pack can "UP SIZE" and obtain either one of - DRAGON EYE, BAM BAM or SUNKIST for just additional $19.99 !!! ONLY 2 packs each for Zook A and Zook B is available ! Cheers
  4. Greetings to all For those who has missed out the last Crazy Monti Cap special package and Crazy Digitata special package, it is now available for you to enjoy this fantastic offer ! Only 3 packs available for each Monti and Digitata package, strictly FCFS only. Reservation is possible with $50 non-refundable deposit to be fair to other genuine buyers. Cheers
  5. Simply jaw dropping Congrates bro, your beautiful mix reef tank speaks of your knowledge and dedication
  6. Bro nice to see you signing on and updating your pasar malam movement...lol Will be camping here to see how your new toys adds color to your tank
  7. Yes bro, klyve's bird of prey seems to be the nearest in term of pattern and colour Very likely this is the id for your zoas
  8. Lol...your that main aim is even more exciting , Eugene is right, give it some time and your tank could well be a potential TOTM material
  9. Yes bro, you are right that they dont appear to be exactly the same. In fact you will find that some of CoralPedia's zoas picture aren't really appear to be exactly same as the actual wild specimen or from reefer's tank. Water and lighting does changes a little on the final appearance. Hence what we can only do is to get the cloest match in terms of color and the zoas face pattern. Please do share more on your observation. As long as you can show that your choice of Flamingo is a closer match, the prize will be yours Other bros are welcome to share their views as well
  10. Ok the closest i could find in Coralpedia seems to be a zoa call Lilypad palys. Here is the picture taken from the Coralpedia site So for now it seems like no winner for this id contest but views are welcome to overturn the decision if any
  11. Good try guys...keep it coming. But please remember to PLACE YOUR BIDDING PRICE for this thread to participate in this id contest Have fun and Cheers !
  12. Lol...Bro what you waiting for, I have already spotted the real maccoy in CoralPedia . See who is the first bidder who got it the same id as well
  13. Thanks for allowing this id contest bro, it's my pleasure and hopefully make this bidding even more fun Let's see who is the first bidder who win this contest
  14. Bro, give it a try and id from CoralPedia.com For the fun of it, I would like to ask bro Dreamlover permission if he is ok for an id contest to coincide with his beautiful zoa bidding exercise. For those who has supported in this bidding exercise and are able to id this zoa which is closest to any zoas in CoralPedia first hand, I would be happy to throw in a frag choice of either African Blue Hornet, Utter Choas, Dragon Eye or Bam Bam. But that is subject to bro Dreamlover's approval for this contest. Cheers
  15. Good price for a beckette skimmer. Btw, can the skimmer be converted into a stand alone neddle wheel powered skimmer ? If so, it would be great for those potential buyer who are looking to get one that operates with a low power consumption skimmer .
  16. No worries bro, it's just part and parcel of learning and sharing. I wasnt trying to trick you lah but rather i was hoping to learn from you what is the reason that you are so certain about your observation. Let's not ot the tank thread further. Btw I have the Japanese Goblin Fire ready....super nice one. Let me know if you are still keen before i let it go to others. Cheers
  17. Ok lah, just teasing you bro Anyway just to let you know that this frag is from the same mandrain orange colony where you got yours from The picture taken did not get the colour right, most likely due to insufficient white balance. It happens to me when i first get hold of my Canon DSLR, the yellow skirting of the sunflower zoas turn greenish in the pic
  18. Lol...bro, you seriously confirm that it's definately not a mandrain orange zoas ?
  19. You are very welcome bro, am glad you finally got the real deal...and whatever it takes, dont ever let your wife see this post LOL
  20. Agree Cool guy would be the right person in helping to id this zoas
  21. A big welcome back brother ! Look forward to having you, wify and your two boys here again ! Yes bro, thanks for your support and seeya soon
  22. Many thanks Kang for your kind words and you are right to say that tank breed staff with proper control measures are safe and pest free. Very nice to see you back zooking
  23. Lol...bro you are the man. Let us hear from you on such lagi more crazy deal Thanks bro Lol...remember to bring Mopiko, lately bedok reservoir little green flies started their invasion yet again
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