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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Thank you for your kind support bro, yeah it's been quite a while since last post due to busy work schedule...also busy scouting for a few rare sps lah haha let me know when you coming over let's have a good chat
  2. Haha...already consider quite long since last sales liao Anyway, 3 weeks old tank a little new for SPS leh, try to let it run in for another 2 months or so then start trying out the hardy ones. Safer that way
  3. First special frag pack taken, left with 4
  4. Dear Bros / Sis, Here are some interesting and attractive SPS frag packs hopefully can cater to all levels of sps lovers ! Only for the first 5 reefers - Get any 3 different pieces and get 1 FREE ( within the same series ) Classic SPS series frag pack - Good for SPS beginner to try out B1 - Bicolour Birdnest $15 B2 - German Blue Digitata - $15 B3 - Jade Green Digitata - $25 B4 - Lime Green Millepora - $15 B5 - Figi Pink Pointed tip Birdnest - $15 B6 - Figi Pink Round tip Birdnest - $15 B7 - Radio Active Birdnest - $15 B8 - Sunset Millepora - $20 B9 - Lime Green Monti Cap - $15 B10 - Maroon Red Monti Cap - $15 B11 - Pearl berry Desalwii - $25 B12 - Fiji Lime Green Pocci - $25 POPular SPS series frag pack P1 - Pinkish Orange Monti Cap - $25 P2 - Purple Valida - $25 P3 - Rainbow Stylo - $68 P4 - Red-hot Pink Stylo - $48 P5 - Rainbow Monti - $68 P6 - Radio-active Pocci - $48 P7 - Birds of Paradize - $68 P8 - Chilli Pepper Monti - $48 P9 - ORA Roscoe Blue Tenuis - $68 P10 - Lengsy Monti Cap - $48 P11 - Royal Purple Digitata - $68 P12 - Rose Millepora - $68 P13 - Forest Fire Digitata - $48 P14 - Poker Star Monti - $68 P15 - Peppermint Monti - $48 Collectors SPS series (please note that some specimen has very limited frag stock, apology in advance) E1 - ORA Hawkin's blue - $88 E2 - True Optic Fiber - $128 E3 - Blue Hoeksamai - $88 E4 - Over-the-Rainbow Mille - $128 E5 - Galaxy Monti - $88 E6 - ORA Borealis - $88 E7 - Purple Plasma - $68 E8 - Royal Blue Mille - $128 E9 - Rainbow Delight Mille - $128 E10 - Cranberry Monti cap - $68 E11 - L.E Purple Rain Monti cap - $88 E12 - Red Planet - $128 E13 - Montipora Spumosa - $88 E14 - ORA Pink Lemonade - $128 E15 - Fire and Ice Mille - $88 E16 - Mike Palata Plana - $88 E17 - ORA Bellina - $88 E18 Turquoise Green Gomezi Kindly note that no reservation and FCFS only. Genuine reefers kindly pm for viewing and collection arrangement Cheers and Happy Reefing to all ! Side note : All sps and zoas frags has been properly conditioned and guaranteed PEST FREE, coloured-up and stable. SPS frags size ranges from 1-3 inches. Photos of the mother colony / frags taken under T5 ATI blue plus / Aqua blue special ( photo period around 12 hours ). Water parameter has maintained close to natural sea water level, stable at 8-10 dKh, Ca @ 450ppm, Mg @ 1100-1250ppm. Phosphate and nitrate undetectable using Salifert.
  5. Hi Bro, Come over my place, I will pass you some zoas to try out. Cheers
  6. Thanks bro for the kind offer, dont think i would be trying LED anytime soon as many bro has not got convincing feedback for sps so far...would wait for the LED technology to be more mature before venturing into this area. Btw, I am convince that MH (as compared to T5) has a much superior effect on bringing out the luminous intensity pigment of sps, have done some experiment on milles before and the results are quite astonishing
  7. Happy CNY bro haha...dont suan me lah CF, i am just a little curious hows fast would the sps colour changes from LED to MH, cos me got no money to try out LED mah. But imo, I notice that for some specimen such as letistella, monti cap or birdnest can react to light pretty fast. However that's with the case from the same lighting type while shiftinig from lower to higher lighting levels. Cheers
  8. Bro, any update on your new MH versus LED lightings
  9. This is a tort sps. Classified as one form of staghorn species. This one you got is one of the nicest and easier specimen to colour up. Nice catch
  10. Upzz for you bro, didnt know the chilli pepper has grown to such a nice state..look so healthy !
  11. Hi Bro, Just some input for your MH level from water surface. Take note not to shock your sps from MH in the begining. If possible, either adjust your MH level from at least 9 inches or start with a shorter photo period (say around 4 hrs). Eventually, to say the least, the nearer the MH to the surface level should ideally be better since you will be injecting the highest intensity to pamper your most light demanding sps species, though you might sacrifice some spread as a result. The only issue is now with regards to the heat that emits from the ultra hot temperature. Hence you will need to install some fan to help disperse some heat from directly heating up the water surface.
  12. Wonderful bro...keep the love for reefing goiong
  13. Germanblue digi colour is impressive
  14. Thanks for sharing Lemon, those blue LPS are so beautiful !!! Singapore was known to be one of the richest diversity area in terms of corals, unfortunately that has gave way to all the modern developments, reclaimation etc... If only anyone knows there are some volunteers organisation who are active in re-planting the corals back, please let me know, i will be happy to donate every specimen i have to get it propagated back in our waters !
  15. Nice tank Marco ! Can tell from the SPS PE are great and zoas are all puipui
  16. Wonderful progression uncle Tonny and bro Vincent, a classic and examplary of talented, knowledgeable and hardwork sps reefer
  17. Upzz for your frag clearance sale ! It's time to visit you for your new tank scape
  18. Whao...such ang ang prata should be good for those who wanna decorate their reef tank with nice red Upzz for you Klyve
  19. Hmmm...something spawn in my tank but dunno what is that...anyway my fishes are enjoying a feast ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iskay


      productive year of the rabbit for you!

    3. cedricang


      hahaa...yeah sounds like a good start of the labbit ^^

    4. peacemaker


      Wassup, Doc! :o)

  20. Tycoon Lee is indeed very generous, truly live up to his tycoon status
  21. Wow...nice and healthy looking Pinky Mille Upzz for you Bell
  22. Thanks bro for the kind and constructive comments Beside the parking fine issue, I think most bros enjoy their time at my place I think Singapore LFS has a significant role in contributing to the reefing scene here. Without them, we reefers wouldnt have access to all thses beautiful corals around the world, we need to pay tribute to them As to whether LFS or home-base corals, hahaa..i really think this is a non-issue at all. IMHO I realised that most bros who bought frags generally enjoys the convinience of having to buy their favourite sps/zoas frags which LFS may not have stock or no access at all. In such cases, home base frags meets their need to obtain their particular favourite zoas/sps. For example, Purple Death is one of zoas collectors favourite colltion, till now I have not heard of any LFS who has brought in any of such shippment. The spread of this beautiful zoas is only make possible via hard-core reefers who has taken the risk to order them from oversea and risking DOA / time and effort. Now Purple Death is available to reefers at affordable price. As to the issue of success rate, I agree with mini-reefer and mengyang that home base frags can be alot easier to keep but shippment corals can be equally good. The advantages of a colourful frags are stable and usually pest free...but hor prepare to pay at a higher price lor At the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are always so many reason why ppl do things, let the market force decide...anyway imo, LFS corals and home base frags meets different needs
  23. Mike, imo there are few possible reasons for this case : 1) The colony may already in deteoriating condition when you got this sps, it's like cancer (sounds scary though but true). Initially it may seems good, but eventually it will weaken, stn and die. That's the reason i usually try not to get from tank which is in process of decoming. 2) Flatworms. The sps may have been attack by flatworms and got stress up, eventually got eaten up totally. 3) Lighting / Water parameter inhibitent. Most likely caused by in sufficient acclimatisation of the frag. This sps looks to me like lokani / echinata specimen which usually found in deeper water. They may also thrive in higher lighting provided they are slowly "trained". Hence it's important to know their previous lighting / water paramenter environement and try to match it closest possible when first introduce into your tank.
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