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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Received so many calls for the frags ...i probably will just left with a 20 cents coin for my own to grow liao
  2. The picture above is specially dedicated to bro Jeremy who so sweet in taking the Mooris idol pair for me while he is holidaying in Maldives
  3. Hey SPS fanatics, Here's the pic as promise The Reverse Sunset Monti The first pic below taken with all the chilli red colour polyp is fully extended ! The second pic taken with all the red polyp closed up to show the overall forest green base. Hope you enjoy the pic
  4. Bro, different SPS should not be placed too close or touching each other, or else you will realise that one them will be 'burnt' by the other more aggressive species. A good guide will be to place them at least 3-5 inches apart to cater for growth among the sps. By the time the SPS has grown too close to each other, you will either need to relocate one of them further or alternatively trim either / both SPS to avoid one of them being 'burnt' .
  5. Such a nice AT specimen i wonder if the only way to keep it successful in the long term is using copper to make it ich free so that it can get stable and feeding first ?
  6. Dont mention bro. Just in case it's cause by the tube worm, you will know how to handle it. The acro structure looks like a samentosa, however the wild colony usually comes in a bowl shape, in your case it's growth form is straight up which is kind of unusual. You can try google for some sps id site and try to learn their names by matching or another way is to go ask your lfs supplier, they should have a stock list with the names (hopefully correctly id ).
  7. wohoo !!! finally Reverse Sunset Monti ^^

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TayHongSiang


      dr ang - keep me updated...u sound like u got some gems

    3. braincoral
    4. cedricang


      Okie guys, picture uploaded liao. Look under SPS and advanced reefkeepers topic ^^

  8. Nice scape bro This SPS looks like acropora gomezi or its family. Anyway, that slimmy thingy could be a result of a tube worm that is now hosting on your acro. The slim is harmless to SPS but i must agree that it is quite unsightly and an eye sore. Try follow the path of the slime and trace to the source of the slime if possible, you might find an alient tube-like structure that has been partially embedded onto certain part of that sps. One sure way to remove it is through physical amputation of the tube worm by cutting away the sps branch which it is hosting. If this is not possible, then you may have to use someting that is able to scrape off the tube worm, but make sure you scrape it off completely or it might find its way back again. Hope above helps and all the best to your SPS journey !
  9. You must pay a visit to his home and see his actual scoly and lobo...no seahorse run
  10. You are very gifted in terms of scaping , very nice and natural look The first picture on the top left as if it was taken from the wild ocean reef, i really like that look and feel
  11. Wooo the pair of morrish !!! Thanks for the lovely thought Jeremy Didnt know you escape to the reef heaven....and the purple humillis is awesome
  12. Wooo the pair of morrish !!! Thanks for the lovely thought Jeremy Didnt know you escape to the reef heaven....and the pu
  13. Tonga shippment from Iwarna could be this Tuesday ^^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kueytoc


      Get for moi-moi lah.

    3. braincoral


      Lol I doubt this tonga shipment will ever come.. Was being told mths it will arrive but till now..

    4. cedricang


      Latest update - Tonga arriving tomolo night 1030pm BUT HOR...not able to release for sale if AVA inspection is on. So folks, please chk with Iwarna accordingly ya ^^

  14. Good try on your first video posting. Was the MH light on when you take the video ? i think the overall colouration seems a little bluish, most of the red / orange are masked out by the blue light spectrum. I think the video shot could have capture a much vibrant color tone if more white light is introduce. Colours of your wonderful acans and priced scoly / lobo arent showing their best colour in actual.
  15. Lemon, you are the man. My observation is a painful lesson of over 8 years (slow learner) , you have helped to wrap it up with a cool few sentences Well, seems like the "mystery" or misconception of whether angels are 'reef safe' is now clearer than before. I have now learn something new from Lemon - group centropyge (non reef safe) and group xiphypops (reef safe) ...woohoo damm i still dunno how to pronounce those two scientific names haha
  16. Thanks bro, thank you for your words of support While i can't say enough of the hard work and perseverance involve in this frag hobbies, I must have been either crazy or just simply stubborn in continuing doing this Anyway, i have seen and learn much since i started doing this about 2 years ago ( thanks to bro Drato, Joe P, Jim and few others who gave me a boost on the rare staff ) , am truly indebted to these bros and those bro who has genuine words of encouragement and support (you know who you are) Btw, you will eventually know that there are a couple of reefers who are great collectors of exotic zoas with absolutely stunning collections Enjoy your reefing !
  17. One more observation : most pigmy angels are usually 'SPS safe' on one condition - that water quality are at acceptable quality such that SPS are not stress or when RTN or STN occurs. I have been keeping bi-colour, flame, multicolour, coral beauty, flame back, golden etc with no issues with SPS at all. The only time where they start showing interest is where a particular SPS's health is deteriorating, and when STN or RTN occurs, these angels may turn on SPS and start nipping on the SPS tissue (which apparently is a food source to them ). Hence i believe that when SPS is healthy, the chemical slime serve as a protective coat to ward of most fishes (and most angels) but when the coating is loss, leaving the tissue that's where all hell break loose. Note : However I have an exceptional experience with Ebli's angel which start to attack most of my SPS the moment it was introduced in the tank., even though the corals are healthy and no other fish is interested in SPS. But I cant conclude on that incident if Ebli is one of the exceptional angel that is definitely 'non SPS safe' ( because i would never get another Ebli in my life time )
  18. Great time, great fun...thanks guys !!!

    1. Eniram


      Dammmm missed all the fun

    2. Eniram


      Dammmm missed all the fun

  19. In view of request, more Bam Bam and Sunflower frags are now available
  20. Now i see your point Lemon. Probably the type of diet determines the coloration, hope i am right to some extent OMG...the jap's fish is just...just.... faintzzzz
  21. Hi Lemon, why do you 'hate' these fishes from atlantic ? is it because they are too common as compare to those that are rare from elsewhere ?
  22. So pretty !!!! From the picture, the colour and stripes pattern looks like clown tang which is my favorite
  23. Really pray for my Morish to feed on pallet !

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. cedricang


      Thanks Lemon !!! Lala is my favorite, now one more reason to go buy it ^^

    3. yikai


      i like sambal lala. haha

    4. cedricang


      Haha...me too, the xo one at east coast food center also taste good ^^

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