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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Here's another two of my fav "Fanciful" collection... RR Multicolor Matrix This beauty took me around 4 months to develop it's multi-color display...yellow coralite ring, purpish near the top branch and a mixture of lime green, pink and orange pigmentation across the lower body part ! Sadly am not skillful enough to capture all this vivid color from my Canon DSLR, but am very happy it has gone to someone who truly appreciated it and.... OBLIVION Kudos to the one who name this Sps...it's truly an appropriate name for it...Oblivion ! I love this piece because the sweet pinkish-carnation patches shows up uniquely in various parts of the body...
  2. Nope bro i didnt change it's lighting level, it's been all along under the same mid lightings... the red appears to be gradually apparent over time ( one feet below water surface under 4 t5 of which 3 Blue plus and 1 actinic ). However, i do notice an improvement of coloration after the recommission of my skimmer to further lower my tank nutrient level But I will be experimenting the Devil's whip coloration under higher lightings...stay tuned
  3. After about a two months wait..., the slighth brownish polyp turns into more Reddish tone
  4. What can i say ? Such nice composition of softies colors
  5. Very nice PE, definite sign of good state of health
  6. What an eye candy treat from the SPS fanatics !!!
  7. NEW ADDITION !!! The mysterious Cat Eye now available ( limited frags )
  8. Gentle reminder - Today (24th Dec) Christmas Eve will be the last day for the reservation for Christmas Zoas / Sps sale A big Thank You to those who has supported this Christmas Sale !!! Here wishing all a very Merry Christmas
  9. Smooth Jazz all sold... The rare golden yellow Untouchable Zoas now available under the Platinum Series ! (only two limited frags available )
  10. Ohh man...the acans are so lovely looking
  11. Collector Series - Sunkist zoas all sold out liao....it will be replaced by this beauty Cherry Bomb
  12. Dear David, I read through your thread and feel for your enthusiasm in this marine hobby and sincerely wish you have a pleasant reefing experience. Some basic pointers which you might wanna take note from below : 1. READ READ and READ - thanks to the internet there are tons of good reefing resources you can find from the internet that provides you with the most fundamental yet most important principle of eg. Nitrogen Cycle...this will equip you with the basic concept of " nutrients " in the water chemistry. Do not just rely on hear-say of half baked comments, get your own research rock solid and then you can make up your opinion what's most suitable for your situation. To give you a heahstart of a credible resources you can try read up Advanced Aquarist and look for anything you wanna know about reefing water chemistry etc http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2003/10/chemistry 2. Fishes died MAY NOT be your water issue. I have mentioned that before in this forum and i wish to say that again. Ask any of the seasoned fish keepers here and they will tell you that the chances of the important marine fishes dying is pretty high...why ? Poisoning via cynid caught marine fish is the main culprit. 3. Go get a reliable Test Kit. I personally like Salifert...though it cannot be compared to a lab test kind of precision accuracy...but for reefing purposes imo its' good enough. 4. Be prepared to commit time and a little hardworking to maintian a minimum ( yes i mention minimum) husbandry to your tank. Checking of water parameter goes from Sg level ( please get a good refractometer ) , KH level follow by calcium and Mg level ( this could easily be replaceble if you do regualr water change using a reliable Salt Mix ) . For a start you might wanna also check out your NO3 or PO4 level , but you may not need that once your system has achieved its balanced. It's an enjoyabe hobby, still. Cheers
  13. Haha...especially when water parameters goes way out of range, Sg / Kh / Ca / Mg ....you name it, they got it And what do you do when the main return pump fails ? Those who has anticipated it would have got a standby pump ready for such situations
  14. Bro, it looks like the issue is cause by the monti not being secured enough on the live rock. I suggest you first glue the monti to a small piece of live rock ( or frag plug which ever you prefer ) , then glue the small live rock to your main rock with a good amount of glue ( or epoxy if your prefer ) so that it will can be well secured onto the main live rock without being knock down by your shrimps or fishes.
  15. Glad to know things are recovering livestock is such...just like any living things are always subject to vulnerability. But that's where beautiful virtues such as perserverance and patients are discovered and displayed.
  16. LoL yea i have already prepared for it....i have just installed a CCTV system recently to deter any sneaky visitors with a sneaky intention You are one nice guy shall do my part to keep your pocket in good shape...lol
  17. Aiyoh Mr Braincoral...how come you MIA from my clinic for so long....hahaha
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