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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Thanks for the warm support, FC Northwood shortcake, FC rainbow shabert (150) and FC Sweetie Pie sold
  2. HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTE USA TCK DRAGON FIRE - 3 NEW STABLE FRAGS now available FCFS only !!! Whatsapp 90070711 to view and collection
  3. Special power addition on this Easter festive 2 Ultra grade FC rainbow shabert a ) $150 $280 FC Sweetie Pie $280 FC Northwood Shortcake - $120 FC Golden Berry - $180
  4. Adding a few nice staff this sunday Whatsapp 90070711 for viewing and collection ! FC The Destiny - from $120 FC Chilipepper monti plate - from $30 FC Pink Dragon aka Pacman - from $30 FC Sweetie Pie - from $80
  5. More ultra grade FC Frags available now 4 pieces of Ultra SSC FCFS...call us at 90070711 for booking now !!! SSC-a $120 SSC-b $80 SSC-c $120 SSC-d - $100
  6. All Ultimate Blue stags sold, thank you for the support
  7. 4 different BLUE STICKS for this week Whatsapp 90070711 for viewing and collection wHILE STOCK LAST Loseittee Blue Staghorn - from $40 per frag FC Ultimate Blue stag - from $60 per frag FC Figi SkyBlue stag - from $50 per frag FC Blue Monster - from $80 per frag
  8. Desert Sunset and red planet (60) - sold red planet (120) still available
  9. 3 more Sps for your selection Desert Sunset - $60 red planet - $60 red planet - $120
  10. 2 special edition from Reef Raft USA Whatsapp 90070711 for booking and collection. Reef Raft Kandari - from $120 Reef Raft Gold Stick - from $80
  11. New !!! FC Wintemelon Form $80 . Contact by whatsapp 90070711 for viewing and collection
  12. New FC stocks now available :) Whatsapp 90070711 for booking and collection ! Ultra WD - from $180 The Beast - from $120 FC Starlight Dragon - from $120 FC Miss Lemonade - from $60 FC Light Blue staghorn - from $80
  13. Good Morning ! Couple of healthy and pest free ultra SSC frags now available , as well as the FC Golden Dragon staghorn too Whatsapp 90070711 for viewing and collection ya
  14. Seriously Bro ?? Only 2 available left lol...low light corals anyway
  15. New DargonFire and Wazowski frags now available... limited frags while stock last
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