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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. That is surely one of the nicest purple valida colony i have seen so far ! Upzz for you Vincent
  2. You are very welcome to pop by bro, let's share and exchange ideas of how to enjoy this hobby
  3. Heee bro, it's time you make a come back...
  4. Lol, PAP recruit me to do up their reef scaping huh...haa i dont mind this lobang leh.. I once heard PM Lee has a reef tank at his home dunno true or not
  5. Heartfelt thanks to bro Snowy, Vincent, Jack, Bell, Binosage and Beast13 for the very kind words and encouragement Hope to be able to enjoy this wonderful hobby and at the same time share some humble experiences, hope that it could benefit bros and sis Bro Beast13, I will keep the diamond reflector for you. Cheers and great reefing to all !
  6. Hi Guys/Desi, IMO, water change serve as a very immediate and effective way of nutrient export. The frequency or % change really depends on the feeding regime of individual reef tank. Visual inspection allows a gauge on how much water change is required. Wilson rightly pointed out that regular test on parameter is a good practice to ensure nothing goes out of the range ( especially Kh), i chk my Kh at least once a week. Also try to use reliable salt mix ( especially for sps dominated tank ), savings on some cheaper salt brand may not worth the while. Check out those awesome looking tank from Reefcentral and you will come to a general conclusion - good deligent husbandary work Btw, my beloved convict tang just RIP on me today...was a healthy specimen and seeing it grazing happily just yesterday
  7. Hihi Wilson, thanks for the upzz... just hope that whatever past mistakes/hickup i have gone thru can be avoided by bros who wanna try sps. Hope you find my sharing worthy
  8. Bro, i think Joe P has some rare and nice favia frags, do contact him
  9. Bro, nitrate low is good but more importantly please chk your Kh (should be around 8-9 dKh), Ca ( 450ppm) and Mg (1200-1300). If you can get the above parameter right, I would say the chances to keep SPS healthy is very high
  10. Thanks bro for the support...feel free to drop by for a drink
  11. Alan, appreciate your kind testimony
  12. Wow bro, very kind of you thanks for helping out !
  13. Hi Bro, chilli pepper monti is 2 inches - collection at Bedok Reservor View. But if you dont drive, i can meet you at Bedok MRT taxi stand. Cheers
  14. Hi SPS reefers, Have the following frag for both basic beginners and advance reefers collection : Basic SPS reefing collection item ( easy, friendly and not too demanding ) B1 - Radio Active Birdnest - $20 B2 - Pink and Green bi-colour Birdnest - $20 B3 - Ultra Lime Green Figi Pocillopora - $20 B4 - Salmon Pink Digitata - $25 B5 - Skyblue corollite tip Tenuis - $25 B6 - Lime in the Sky Staghorn - $25 B7 - Chilli Pepper / Forest fire Monti Cap - $50 B8 – Figi Pink Birdnest ( Hystrix ) Pionted-tip - $25 B9 – Figi Pink Birdnest Round-tip - $25 B10 - Rare Ultra Lime Green Millepora - $60 Advance collection ( propoer lighting and optimum water required to bring out the ultimate colouration ) A1 - Ultimate Red Planet Millepora - $160 A2 - Optic Fiber Pocillopora (grade - $60 A3 - Purple Monster acropora - $120 A4 - Rainbow Stylopora - $80 A5 - German Blue Digitata - $30 A6 - Sunset Millepora - $60 A7 - Pink Pocillopora damicornis - $50 A8 – Bird of Paradize Birdnest - $60 A9 – Ponape Birdnest - $45 A10 – Hot Pink Stylopora - $45 All frags above are tank raised, size around 2-3 inches (some with multiple branches), stable and healthy. Colouration has been attained via proper acclimatisation and can be hold via proper lightings and water parameters. Interested reefer kindly leave me a pm to arrange viewing. FCFS basis, thanks for kind understanding Happy Reefing to all !
  15. Looks good for the PBT, seemed steady and colouration is full and stable, I believe with it's size, your other tang is just gonna give it a few tucks here and there and eventually surrender to it's supremercy. Great looking beauty you got Desi.
  16. Pmed you bro, both superman and rainbow monti.
  17. Bro VtEc and triggerfish, good that you stand out and share both your side of the story, not just the buyer or seller/giver side. It's amazing how people nowadays easily change their mind/committment and show little respect to other's committment and time. Am sure both of you could clarify matters and sort things out amicably. From my observation, most of the members here are dan nice people, of course there will always be a handful of craps around (buyer or seller alike )...but well, just be aware of their reputation and know how to deal with them in future. Those who are nice and genuine will eventually be vindicated as was shown in a recent thread. Cheers to both.
  18. You are right Desi, I believe it's almost impossible for one to declare an ich free reef tank. Ensuring a stress free and healthy diet environment is the only sure way of maintaining good immunity and thus preventing an outbreak. As i have mentioned to you before, get accustomed to the fact that ich will always be there to trike when given an opportunity. Be cool and try not get too stress over it Sometime, think of what we human world is like and relate to our reef tank, it's pretty much the same.
  19. Desi, it's been a fun time having you guys over and i really mean FUN ! Your presence certainly makes the whole session so lively...so i now know that it's the wife that's has gotten the hubby's support and not the other way i initially tot, lol.
  20. Absolutely good quality and nice sps ! Upzz for you Khiann
  21. One of the top-notch sps reefer has finally spoken Upzz for you Jack !
  22. Hey Paul, your tank looking nicer by the day... and the frags seems to be growing pretty fast !
  23. Bro, just give yourself and desi a break from all these stress over PBT. Sometime the reason couldnt be simple enough - it's the way the fish is collected. I can almost be sure that the fish is caught by cynid and has been quite severly poison when caught. Some fish managed to recover if the poisoning is mild. It's just a matter of luck, sadly in most cases. You and desi have tried your best - move on and count on other happier things that you guys has been successful ya Cheers !
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