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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Lemon, no worry...i can try house it for you first till you are ready to plant it in your tank. Let me know
  2. Jack, time to upgrade to a bigger tanky
  3. Strange ? It's such a fantastic price for this light set...i would have grab this and run ( of coz pay money first) if I am starting a new tank or thinking of upgrading to MH. Upzz for your sale bro !
  4. Thanks bro for the generous offer, hope that someday you will come back reefing again
  5. Thanks bro, nice having you and your lovely boy, regret that your CO didnt join us There are actually many sps expert as well as up and coming nice sps reefers in SRC. Lets all learn from each other. All the best to your sps venture !
  6. Bro Fishyfish, very nice meeting you. Glad the frags are doing fine and yes, you will be on the list for the 'you know what' haa...will swing by your place real soon !
  7. Slow and steady the way Nice colour and polyp extention, well done mate !
  8. Nice zoas and rarely available. Upzz for your bid bro
  9. Fuel, imo the tort looks bleach. You may have to try shade it for the mean time.
  10. Wow...bro, very nice sps colouration Must visit you one day liao
  11. This is the most natural reef scaping i have seen so far...amazing !!! Guess the scuba really helps alot
  12. Yup, wise thing to do Also keep in mind not to have too much of the rock area touching the tank bottom, these will help to improve flow in the lower area and having less dead spot as much as possible. All the best in your reefing journey !
  13. Wow, that's nice to know my commando trained frags are doing well The addtional lights you adding is gonna be awesome mann...cant wait to hear from you the positive results of the sps colours. Look forward to your updates
  14. Hi Terry, Very nice and nateral scaping you have. Since you have already got the epoxy on the joints between the rocks, i would suggest you do it inside your tank, just need to further reinfoce the joins with additional epoxy will do. Doing the entire rock scape outside is a little risky of having the rock falls off while transfering in. Better be safe
  15. Section 3 as a boot camp for your new fish training ground...hmm...next time you can start operating a training boot camp for reefers new fishes for a fee...lol. For sure i will get an AT and be your first customer
  16. I really like the sump design Lemon Section 3 will be such an ideal place for dsb refugium, are you planning to do that ?
  17. Whaoo bro, very nice collection you got there The last piece of sps colour is insane ! Hope you update us on this beauty
  18. No worries Ray, glad that all of you enjoyed yourself and a very hearty chat over beers and laughters...! Enjoy your gems from bro Wonder
  19. Hi Bro Jxlex, welcome to the reefing hobby You have a nice reef scape, impressive for a starter. Enjoy the journey of reefing and making lots of nice friends here !
  20. Have seen his tank several times, for this price i would say it's a good deal for sure. Upz for your tank sale !
  21. Haa...same same here. That's the fun about bidding ! Thanks to Bro Wonder for giving surprises, get's everyone excited !
  22. Yes, it's a very nice and rare Reverse Sun Flair zoas. The skirting should turn bright red under proper lightings, making the whit face and red ring super contrasting ! $120 for me !!!
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