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Everything posted by cedricang

  1. Haaha...bro, take a deep breath and count to 10, you will be ok
  2. Dear Bros / Sis, X’mas is nearing and will be thinking of something interesting for this sale thread. To be announce later on the prizes for the Christmas lucky dip ! Anyway, the following Zoas and colourful SPS frags available for your collection : Let’s start with Zoas Z1- Zombies Eye @ $58 / frag of 3-4 polyps Z2 - Blue Rim Red PPE @48 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z3 - Candy Apple Redds @ $48 /frag of 3-4 polyps Z4 - Congo Red Hornet @ $88 /frag of 3-4 polyps (limited) Z5 - Eruptions aka Djtion Pink & Gold $88 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z6 - Kryptonite @ $48 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z7- Lights of Amazon @ $48 /frag of 2 polyps (limited) Z8 - Maryjane aka gorilla nipple @ $88 /frag of 2 polyps Z9 - Nuclear Green @ $88 /frag of 2 polyps Z10 - Peacock’s Eye @ $48 /frag of 2-3 polyps Z11 - Pink Panther @ $28 / frag of 2-3 polyps Z12 - Pink Guava @ $48 / polyp of 2-3 polyps (limited) Z13 - Purple Death @ $48 / frag of 2-3 polyps(limited) Z14 - Purple Heart @ $48 / frag of 2-3 polyps Z15 - Purple Fusion @ $48 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z16 - Reverse My Clementines @ $148 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z17 - Safecraker @ $48 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z18 - Strawberry Wine @ $118 / single polyp (limited) Z19 - Sunflower @ $48 / frag of 4-5 polyps Z20 - Sunkist @ $48 / frag of 2-3 polyps Z21 - Superman $30 / frag of 2-3 polyps Z22 - Yenko @ $20 /frag of 5-6 polyps Next to SPS Easy Care : These are sps that are relatively hardy, not too light demanding and easier to retain colour. Advance Care : for those who wanna try climb Mt. SPS Everest, maintaining a LOW nutrient level and the appropriate lighting level for these beauties is crucial to bringing out the optimum colouration. Otherwise you get lot’s of KitKat (yum yum) ! Here we goes… s1 - Bicolour (pink body with green polyp) hystrix birdnest ( Easy Care)- $18 s2 - Birds of Paradize (Easy Care) - $68 s3 - Blue Tip Valida – (Easy Care) $28 s4 - Chili Pepper / Forest Fire Monti Cap (Easy Care) - $38 s5 - Cranberry Monti Cap - $68 (Advance Care) s6 - LengSy Monti Cap - $88 ( EasyCare ) s7 - Royal Purple Monti Cap (Advance Care) - $68 s8 - Blue tip Desalwii (Easy Care) - $58 s9 - Fiji Pointed-tip Pink Birdnest (Easy Care ) - $18 s10 - Figi Round-tip Pink Birdnest ( Easy Care ) - $18 s11 - Fire and Ice Millepora (Advance Care) - $68 s12 - Forest Fire Digitata (Easy Care) - $38 s13 - Galaxy Comet Monti Cap (Advance Care) - $88 s14 - German Blue Digitata (Advance Care) - $18 s15 - Jade Green Digitata (Easy Care) - $38 s16 - Jade Green Latistalla (Easy Care) - $38 s17 - Lime Green Bali Slimmer Staghorn (Easy Care) - $38 s18 - Lime Green Mille (Easy Care) - $28 s19 - Lumi Green Poccillopora (Easy Care) - $28 s20 - Maroon Red Monti Cap (Easy Care) - $18 s21 - Metallic Blue Polyp Digitata (Advance Care) - $28 s22 - Neon Green Monti Cap (Easy Care) - $18 s23 - Ocean Blue Prostrata (Advance Care) - $68 s24 - ORA Rescoe Blue Tenuis (Advance Care) - $68 s25 - Over the Rainbow Acro (Advance Care) - $120 s26 - Peppermint Monti Cap (Advance Care) - $38 s27 - Orangey Pink Monti Cap (Easy Care) - $28 s28 - Pearl Berry Desalwii (Easy Care) - $28 s29 - Radio Active Birdnest (Easy Care )- $18 s30 - Radio Active Poccillopora (Easy Care) - $48 s31 - Rainbow Stylopora (Advance Care) - $48 s32 - Rose Mille (Advance Care) - $68 s33 - Royal Blue Mille (Advance Care) - $128 s34 - Red Ink aka Pink Flamingo Selago ( Advance Care )- $68 s35 - Sunset Mille (Easy Care) - $28 s36 - Sweet Pink Stylopora (Easy Care) - $38 s37 - Watermelon Mille (Easy Care) - $88 s38 - Rainbow Monti - $68 SPS frags size ranges from minimum 2-3 inches ( some frags are bigger and have multiple branches ) Picture of the mother colony / frags taken under T5 ATI blue plus / Aqua blue speceial ( photo period around 15 hours ). Water parameter has maintained close to natural sea water level, stable at SG 1.023, Kh@ 8-9 dKh, Ca @ 400ppm, Mg @ 1200 ppm. Interested reefer please pm me for viewing arrangement, only FCFS basis. Thanks for kind understanding Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas Festive and joyous reefing to all !
  3. Haa...dont mention Bel, but must admit that was quite a challenge when i baby sit your babies, thank God most turn out ok when you restarted your tank. Btw, I think your kaki base blue polyp monti is really florishing over here, please come over and i will pass you a good size frag.
  4. This is one of the best lime green mille i have seen of late. Kudos to Wilson who has patiently wait for the frag to stabalise before selling it, responsible seller Am sure it will be snapped up soon
  5. Lol...that goes to explain why i have mysis shrimp living in my FR liao Soul, no wonder your sps pe is so good, lot's of pod feeding them
  6. Aiyoh, pass a few sample for our well known Fishiologist Prof Lemom will reveal the outcome liao, he recently got a new microscopic toy...lol
  7. Hey bro, quite a nice tank scaping you have, i like. Your staghorn sps colour looks very nice too, position is quite natural looking
  8. Haa...you are very considerate indeed. Please pm me your use of salt mix too leh
  9. Nice looking set-up, gives a very peaceful and soothing look and feel Btw...wonder why sunsun wavemaker manufacturer call it vibration pump ?
  10. Nice to see your tank thread here, hopefully your war with the algea will be a history and can start enjoying reefing once again for a good considerable of time
  11. Good one...keep it up and let's continue to see more progress
  12. Ya lor, talking about that, also came back to find my big lime green monti drop from its place and touches the mushies, most turn white liao...heart pain siahh
  13. Nice one bro Looking at your frags pic, they all look very healthy and colour is pretty good Care to share how you manage your nutrient level, water change or what sort of method u employ ?
  14. Hellooooo Jacky, welcome back our friend Hope to see you more often
  15. Did you get the red base white polyp monti cap from fragmaster ? This is one unique piece to add into your monti cap collection
  16. OMG, the polyp extention is so dammm good !!! Powerful tank siah Can share what you think you might have done to achieve such good PE ?
  17. Next time must learn from you how to pronounce those words, than i can practice it a little and tounge wont get cramped so easily liao
  18. So das neh, this is the black beauty you mention huh, NICE ! But seems the stomach a little sunken leh got to take note. Anyway bro, hopefully you wont turn into another bioterm gig...i got quite stressful whenever i read Lemon's comment on fishes (my tounge got all twisted) ...heee still like the term gold rim
  19. Wow...so so glad to hear the good progress on the frags mann Let's find time to kopi, will contact you
  20. Hey bro, welcome back finally get to see your latest thread update....your tank is looking good, the montis look very mature and plating out nicely
  21. I might be able to help, you know what to right
  22. Hi Lemon, my concern for such a sea slug is that it might get suck into wave maker, grind into mince meat ...worse still posion the whole tank? any info on that sort of concern ?
  23. Very nice staff, genuine acqua-culture frags where condition is stable and survival rate is much higher. Upzz for you bro
  24. No problem Milch, i am sure bros will understand your decision with good reasons. As i mentioned, you are a well-liked bros, whatever decision you make, bros will be behind you
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