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Everything posted by Virus

  1. SO mean need good lightning and need to feed to keep them 'healthy and not dying? of course good water condition also. Coz i also intedn to have one and i saw from web it's a very easy to keep coral but would like to verify with peeps who have kept b4.
  2. I've a Jebao 3018 external canister... no noise.. cost $75. 1200hr/l 1.5 ft can get smaller one maybe. cheaper a bit also.
  3. Dust? look carefully maybe it's copepodes? or maybe PH too strong stir up the sandbed... Last time my water is "dusty" is due to these 2 thing.
  4. Sorry for adding.. i think some of the reply here is kinda misleading to terry.. maybe some expert would like to explain more deatils to him. I'm not one for sure..hhehe
  5. It's a hammer? i thought it look like torch... coz my i think also similar but different colour. Mine open up and spread open only like 3 - 4 days later.. bit by bit everyday until he comfortable i think... I ffed in DT, he lagi open big big.. current doesn't seem to affect it much though. But wa.. this bugger need to place away from other corals man... i put too close to my mushroom, when it expanded out think sting my mushroom or what that portion of the mushroom rock 'shrink and dare not open up.... i have to shift it away and then only after 2 days my muchroom open again..
  6. Aiyo.. i think take sand from beach is illegal
  7. Maybe can add a skimmer (doens' t cost much, the AA brand one works also for it's cost and it's better than no skimmer) FAN DIY also cheap... then can start keeping corals leow with the low temp =)
  8. AHh.. sodeska.... maybe i'll start getting leather for my tank. My tank also got yuma and torch but he just dun like it.. want to harress my button I think no choice loh.. the button gonna die sooner or later due to clown harressment ANyway glad to know my clown wouldn't be stressed due to no suitable host. Thks a lot for the advice. And HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all you reefers!!
  9. My tank currently does not have a anemone but has a true percula. Since the introduction of this clownfish, my button has not been opening full... as i was wondering why... one day i was looking in from far and notice my clownfish kept hovering on top of the button disturbing it and caysuing it to close up... I think this is bad as the button need to open up or it'll dieeee. My clown is trying to find a host i think... In this case, what should i do.. i can't keep a anemone as my lights is not sufficient to keep it. I think if this carries on, my button will die off... as i already seen signs of unhealthiness in it. Initially i thought it's my water but upon a check my water para is good so far as b4. Oh one more query.. what about my clown then...will it be stressed if this carries on w/o a host for him. AT night i saw him sleeping beside my PH.. hehehe
  10. Just som exp i have to share with you guys who's using those ait driven ones.. I believe in the maket there's 2 brnad of those wooden stone. One is "aa" and another is "sander". Once every 2 months , you might change the stone and i'll suggest get "sander. They produce finer bubbles than AA which is what we need from these type of skimmers. I believe price also around same.
  11. Hi currently i'm having a nano tank 1.5 ft around 15G and i was thinking of having a ref to you know.. house algae and perhaps grow some pods in there for my mandarin. I've considered the I-ref thing but found to be unsuitable coz of my small tank.. support ain't good enough. This is the area i've got i'm thinking to make use. Need to shift those items away to my cabinet.. Thought for days but idea of 2 pump is definetely not good and dangerous. Other than that may need a custom one but not sure how the design would be like for this kind of setup and how the flow would be going coz it's by the side rather than below and there's no holes in the main to flow water in there...so seeking help here... I know it's a small tank but i take pride in it and i love nano.
  12. VERY GOOD buy!!.. man if only i have the space...
  13. Sometimes the thought of it shudders me.. like once something dead, all the crabs and stuff come out and drag the corpse to their den and devour it. There's one time i switch off all lights and then peer into my tank using dim torchlight.. wa.. never knew i got so many crabs and living orgainism active at night one.. a bit scary..
  14. So sorry to hear that. must have been real hurt to see your fish go away one by one, especially some of your favourites are in there. Take it easy.
  15. Talking about having algae in main tank... which type is good? Maiden's hair? I've tried ferns and result is pretty bad.. they went asexual fast and cloud up my whole tank.... from then on never put any already... Some common ones i've seen in shops are Ferns. Maiden's hair those red bubble long type.. I went to East point and i saw them putting rocks of maiden hair in their small marine tank.. seems like a lot of the tank have them.
  16. yeah.. i have these 2 - 3 months back while i'm cycling my tank... me got shock.. but found out that it's actually copepods. Now i want to see them swimming around also boh leow... they sort of disappear in 2 - 3 days time... dunno is died off or what...
  17. Hmm i'm quite confused to what he's trying to say....
  18. Was thinking of getting from eqnature too but other than that DT, nothing to get, so like a bit silly to order just 1 bottle of DT leh...
  19. I've just went through the website in live aqua... it seems like there's a lot a lot of variation in these 'tree coral'. Sad to say, ive got one too w/o doing much research into this... this one that is shown in the pic according to live aquaria.. The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae are hosted within Paralemnia Tree Just asking coz i couldn't actually know.. those normal one we bought from LFS, the pink colour one... which variation are they? They look all soo alike..
  20. Was thinking of buying DT from Reborn but may i know what's the time for the plak to die off w/.o the refrigaration? Coz i dun want to come back home only to have a bottle of dead plaks... Sorry if its a report.. tried searching using DT but well think error occur with 2 aplha search.
  21. Good that they dun fight.. =) I've one true percula too in my tank.. so lonley.. and thinking of bringing another 2 into my tank making it 3 but always holding back, afraid the 2 will bully him or he'll bully the 2 when introduce coz i believe true percula are semi aggressive.
  22. Yeah my mistake.. it's not a colt . Btw, my mandarin is surviving well and has been taking my frozen shrimp. Those bought from LFS one, so should be fine..
  23. 1. Glue? hehe no lah.. how can.. i just choose a spot they can be placed stable loh. 2. Ah.. noise.. i didn't turn on speaker when testing.. perhaps will edit off sound, file can be smaller then. heee like i say, this is only testing coz too free and never take b4. 3. No... they're not cured. That's why i placed my LS out for few days while monitoring my water para b4 putting them back.. Actually not advisable also.. heheh best to get cured rocks.
  24. Think should be farmway there... also saw a few if not wrong but not small size one. But that's 1 week plus ago.. now dunno still got boh.. at the shop in front got a car filled with water one..
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