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Everything posted by Virus

  1. Bubble on LR, funny. Could it be from some red slime area? Last time my tank kana the slime got a lot of bubbles trapped under those disgusting slime.
  2. Yes. i've rerad somewhere b4 that venturi type of skimmer need to be cleaned once in a while coz of the V shaped area accumilate 'dirt' over time and hence reduced efficiency.. Heheh everything need mantaince one lah to work at their best, filter.. light.. etc..
  3. Aiyo bare ah... buay swee leh. Now is fish tank not girls leh, if so diff thing LOL J/k.
  4. Ekkk i dun like the idea of having fake stuff in my tank. .. so far i keep pets i try to make their habitat as natural as possible.. tortoise, scopions, etc... Thks for all the wonderful feedback and suggestions.. i think I may be going for sponges(so many colour ( ^^ ) ) and perhaps 1 shrimp. I've tried mushroom b4.. they're actually quite dependant on light to do well although they're quite easy to keep still. Think i'll pass on that. Once i manage to get hold of some colourful sponges i'll try to take a nice pic and see how it turn out.
  5. Ahh sponges.. but i heard they're quite hard to keep...will read up more on it... shrimps... yes i've thought of it too... however, my LR has a lot of crabs aroundbut so far not much harm done to my fishes. But.. i understand shrimps do drop their shell to grow from time to time. Wouldn't it be very dangeroius to be eaten by crabs during that vunerable period?
  6. Are there any tricks to recognising what species are we looking at? i've been to liveaquaria and some lion website but when i saw those Lions at fish farms.... they're like look a bit like this and that, hence always dunno what? Asking the staff there? Eheheh i dun think so... they always either dunno or anyhow haigon customer one..
  7. I understand FOWLR tanks is a bit dull compared to those with corals. Recently my tank crash and i've decided to stick to non-coral tanks for now.. basically.. a tank which livestock dun have to depend on lights to survive or thrive ( great lower mantiance now w/o those pesky algae growth). SO what do you guys add to tank to make it look interesting? SO far i've damsel and FD in it.... i was thinking of lobster... anything else you guys have done i can consider to have a more colourful and lively look?
  8. Hmm this is interesting bubble...gonna check this option out.
  9. You saw the news..? The great barrier reef over at austarlia might be wiped out by the year 2050 from global warming or somethig.. unless they can do something them selves to customise to the higher temperature.. Sad, we're destroying the earth..
  10. Weird but true and i got scared myself.. when i'm cycling my water, my skimmer collect blue coloured water. I was like... shocked... but after 1-2 days it's normal again.
  11. Small crabs are ok i think... problem is when they grow big... they toppled corals, hunt small fish.... ekkk
  12. My crabs just killed my mandarin!!!!! #@%&! KILL ALL CRABS!!!
  13. Woot.t... Very very beautiful!!!!!
  14. My clown used to host my button until i think it kinda died... doesn't open up anymore and well... looks 'dead' with sometime only a few open up... i removed it.... now it's hosting my torch... nice to watch.. but when i off the lights and when i 1st on the lights my clown will start disturbing them again... sometimes i dunno whether torch like it or not..
  15. ANyone here particularly only keep Lion fish in their tank? I wish to have a look and idea how nice will it turn out without corals and such. If any.. thks
  16. Crab eat mushroom? oh my.. i got several crabs in my tank right now.. let's hope they dun get toooo hungry
  17. I think all No3 tester are similar.. Used Sera b4 and now i'm using Sali... the color seem to go darker with time. AT 1st didn't notice i test leow go surf net until happy happy go back see.. got a shock for the result.. so testing again with correct timing and test is good.
  18. Recently i've got into a liking of Lionfish. Sigh.. guess old habit can't change.. i've always like predatory pets so far... scorpions.. tarantula... snakes... i guess i'll change for a better when i love nemo!! but no.. the Lionfish make my blood boil again. LOL SO.. i was surfing the net and came across some tips in keeping it. Most common knowledge is do not keep anything smaller than the Lionfish but Lion fish can grow to quite big, so it's still a caution still, noother triger fish. Other than these, i' ve seen advise on caution as it's not totally ref safe. So what are the other things to avoid when you intend to keep one? Like what corals is a nono, and stuff like that. Kindly all Lions out there advise? thank you.
  19. My one and only love clown.
  20. Hm.. this is interesting... how come leh?
  21. Not sure if i'm underfeeding but i onlly feed them once a day.
  22. Think it's common... especially just after cycling.. brown brown one...my sandbed become better after 3 months or so... still a bit dirty now but much better.. why? hehe i also dunno.
  23. I think all clown have their own character. My true clown dun take those pellets one, even i starve them for 2 days then i throw in pellets, he took it, and then spit it out like shit food. Grrrr, I starve him for another half day, ffed him again with pellet, same thing. No choice, now i everyday feed those frozen myrsis shrimp to him. he happy happy. troublesome bugger but so cute can be forgiven lah.
  24. Is it not common? I bought 2 mushroom so far from shop and usually they open up big big after few days... if they shrink then i will worry.. Same thing to my Torch corals also.. open big big and full full once in tank for few days. All the way i thought it's normal and they're happy then like this.. please advise too if it's actually abnormal this way.
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