Anyone that one to DIY their pump into needle wheel can look here:
This is the replacement for impeller for aquabee pump if I am not wrong.
Just wondering if we can order this impeller to replace those standard impellers?
I have this question for those experts.
What will happen if I use a higher output needle wheel pump for my skimmer?
Will the bubbles be finer or will there be more skimmate?
eg: recommended needlewheel pump for skimmer is max 2000/hr
Now using 2700l/hr needlewheel pump for skimmer.
Thanks in advance.
Just to share. I am using a weipro with needle wheel impeller which I salvage from a needle wheel pump.
The airtake should bw at the input of the pump rathe than at the output as only Then the bubbles will be chopped up by the needle wheel impeller.
Wah 15 min is too long. Max recommended is 5 min. Also freshwater dip will stess your fish even more.
Try feeding food soak with garlic rather than freshwater dip.
I have tried on my BT before and the fellow did not survive for long.
Was at ML. Did not notice the blue lollipop tunicate. Maybe I was not observent enough. Saw the sea hare nudi, look very cute but in the end never get cos afraid that it'll climb and be be stuck in my PH.
If really cannot remove, try to topang your survivors in someone's tank 1st. Cos there will be a massive NH4 and NO2 spike. Anyway, try to remove as many as you can.