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Everything posted by strat

  1. OT: Maybe the shealth capabilities of the AH-64D is due to it's ECM.
  2. Wah so many queuing up. 10 cm only I wonder if I still got chance or not..... Me need 1 small small one.
  3. For a moment i was shocked that a macro can replace your beckett. Anyway, good choice for deltecs!!! Is the performace as good as beckett?
  4. Now I am confused ... So you are running a macro or a deltec now?
  5. Your macro can replace the beckett?? What model are you using?
  6. Me not a nurse leh...so dun know how to nurse them. Hey sis you have any to let go??
  7. I thought so too...maybe he brought a laptop surf from trench??
  8. This from blue sign board shipment?? Nice!!!! BTW, is it advisable to place birdnest in the path of a tunze? (distance abt 1 ft away)
  9. I think purple SPS are the most seceptible to brownin (I might be wrong). I notice that a slight shift in water parameters will often result in the SPS turning brown
  10. Since you are not keeping any light intensive corals, you can go for T5s. Also T5 does not heat up the water as fast.
  11. Maybe your water condition not so good that's why become brown. Give it some time it'll color back if your water condition improve
  12. Good to hear that everything back to normal now.... this wk got shipment, wanna chiong?
  13. 1) kschew1498@hotmail.com 2) jesperlam@hotmail.com 3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com 4) hihai@singnet.com.sg(penyu) 5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG) 6) weileong27@hotmail.com 7) farishkadir@hotmail.com(AlfaRomeo) 8) ryanchan76@hotmail.com (lightningstrike) 9)RiotOfTheHeart@hotmail.com (Spider1 ) 10) mun333@hotmail.com 11) blueheaven636@hotmail.com 12)g8dget@hotmail.com (ryan) 13)ryzonian@hotmail.com(ryz) 14)dezimondo@hotmail.com(mUAr_cHEe) 15) nicholaslohkl@hotmail.com(nicholasloh) 16)ys613@hotmail.com(Borinz) 17)shoelevy@hotmail.com (shoelevy) 18)kurtsunny@hotmail.com (sunny) 19)ape_tengok@hotmail.com(bubble_gum) 20)junkai666@hotmail.com (FuEl) 21)integra0718@hotmail.com 22)zhihong_chen AT hotmail dot com(aStRoBo|) 23)honhon@hotmail.com (Hon) 24)patrick123_123@hotmail.com (patrick123) 25)jamesrock120202@hotmail.com (rockfish) 26)goh_koon_chau10@hotmail.com(that was niceeeee) 27)piglet_oinkoink@hotmail.com (piglet) 28)subaru_impreza82@hotmail.com (burnerJ) 29)devilsbar@hotmail.com (ReDDeviLs) 30)ohjs83@hotmail.com [JS] 31)travor_t@hotmail.com {Travy} 32)keeeeng@msn.com(Kee) 33)veeresh@passport.com 34)japster_rox_4ever@hotmail.com (SBS_Transit) 35) strat_sam@hotmail.com (strat)
  14. Thanks.. thinking of adding another needlewheel pump to my skimmer. wonder if like that can become deltec-wannabe skimmer...
  15. Hmm...I have a thought here. For needle-wheel skimmers, is it effeicent to put 2 needle wheel pumps to the input of the skimmer?
  16. Strange..my fox never seem to survive in my tank...lost 2 already
  17. reborn stock no more liao...dun know when coming...
  18. What is your BLV bulb? 10k? If 10k, I am interested.
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