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Everything posted by strat

  1. May want to sell my 1/2 HP Hailea chiller. I have changed my fan beginning of this year and looking at $300. Very good for 3-4 ft. Reason for selling upgrading. SMS me at 91080009 if interested.
  2. opps...forgot abt my sale... still avail
  3. Sorry length should be 20cm instead of 8cm...
  4. reserved by tri**erfish. Pending collection.
  5. upz.. footprint of skimmer (approx): 8cm (length) x 27cm (width) x 60cm (ht)
  6. WTS: Euroreef ES5-2 needlewheel skimmer. Looking at $280. Plug and play skimmer. Same league as HnS. PM me to deal.
  7. Hey how's your tank?? Got project for your tank??
  8. Still available if anyone is interested...
  9. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...2212&hl=chiller
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