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Everything posted by strat

  1. Let me know if it's still availabe. Thanks.
  2. Better edit your post fast else AT will "TICK TOCK" you.
  3. If parameters all ok, I think it might be the stange clam disease that kill it.
  4. Looks like it's dying.....I hope I am wrong. Have you check the water parameters?
  5. The live rocks are covered with coraline algae! Saw it with my eyes, very nice live rocks. It's really a good buy. It's a pity my tank got no more space else will sure get!
  6. It's every reefer nightmare for a tank to give way...I can never forget my nightmare.
  7. No silicon used??? Wow..the tank is joint by super glue??
  8. Wah..I can understand your feeling. My tank gave way last month also. Took me 1 week to mop clean and remove the stickiness. Put your LS in plastic tubs lar..at least they will not give way..
  9. Definitely. You are suppose to keep the inlet and outlet hose as far as possible. Preferably, your outlet should go back into your main tank if you are using a sump.
  10. If can, temporary put your fishes in someone's tank 1st.
  11. Do you have an external digital thermometer in your tank? Maybe you can tell us what is the measured temperature. Also How long does it take before your chiller starts to work again?
  12. O no. So sad to hear this happening to you. Any idea what happen? Better try to find as much bodies you can and take them out. A 50% change of water will be recommneded and put in GAC.
  13. Hope so. Usually I can see it ...
  14. It'll stop dripping loh..
  15. I cannot find my star fish for the past 2 days already. Usually it'll be on the my tank glass or on some liverocks. What are the chances that it's dead?
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