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Everything posted by strat

  1. Upgrading to the MH ??? All the best for your sales?
  2. Good to hear that the corals are ok. Adding a monti and xenia dun lead to crash AFAIK. BTW, do you have a sea cuke in your tank?
  3. No no bro! What happened? How about the rest of the corals?
  4. My deepest condolences bro, I think the worst nightmare for every reefer is to see our precious tank crash and all our efforts go down the drain.. Hope you come back stronger than ever..
  5. Came across this article: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/zeovi...ite_Filters.htm Anyone has any comments?
  6. Nice tank!!! All the best! Don't worry 5 days very fast past..
  7. Now there are 4 T5s sitting on my hood and the effect of my tank is more pleasant to the eyes
  8. Mounting the clips to the casing :
  9. Mounting the ballast and putting a pair of wires to avoid confusion and mistake later: (in the end still got confused and made a mistake )
  10. Putting the endcaps wires:
  11. Drilling the hole for the endcaps wires and putting a rubber gasket to prevent chaffing:
  12. Drilling the holes for the clips and the external ballast:
  13. Squeezing 2 reflectors in place: (Thanks Dr Evil )
  14. Here are all the stuff inside the FL which I need to remove:
  15. A few months ago, I decide to change my FLs to T5s as they not powerful enough to offset yellowish effect caused by my 250 watt SE. But duw to various reasons, I put off the project Finally today I have the time to DIY my old FL casing into double T5s Here is the subject of the DIY:
  16. From your zoos pics, I think I saw a new SPS colony. Nice!! Also I also see some star polyps..are the star polyps extending?
  17. O so sorry to hear that...digitatas are supposed to be one of the hardy SPS around. maybe your water quality still not there yet?
  18. Maybe he become pilot and take off already....
  19. The tunze too strong liao!! But you really got a great looking tank!!
  20. Very nice!!! Really good to see brownies color up...
  21. O no! Sorry to hear that the other did not make it either... Maybe there is already something wrong with the clam during the time you bought it...
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