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Everything posted by sanjaypills55

  1. My copper band pecked on all my feather duster (fan worms) & they all died... But i doesn't touch my button corals & my mushroom leather coral!
  2. Yeah didn't realized until you said it! Need to start feeding seaweed..
  3. I still consider myself as a nooby, so other correct me if i am wrong! I believe that all the supplements are present in the synthetic salt that you buy so as long as you keep up with the water change you don't need to add supplement & spend money on it Make sure you cycle the water well before u add life stock, & slowly increase the population in the tank!
  4. For FOWLR u dont need a metal Hilide, you can use a T5 or PL lights so u dont need to invest on a chiller. If ur are still finding it difficult to keep the temp down below 30 deg just fix a fan...but that would cause some evaporation so you need to top of fresh water, regularly!
  5. Hi Bro! Sorry to hear about your loss!! It sad that fishes are caught using this method! I am not sure about the symptoms of cyanide poisoning! But somebody did tell me those $1 clowns are caught using cyanide. That they reason they are sold so cheap, cause once they are stunned using cyanide they can be easy picked up from the sea bed! Hope are LFS in Singapore are more responsible & stop selling such livestock!
  6. I was told the angel is worth $2,500 (wow)
  7. Another idea could be lower your wave maker to provide more flow at the bottom level of the tank... I think since u tank is quite high...& the return pump & the wave maker are circulation water at only higher level. It worth a try before considering buying another wave maker.
  8. Can i have 2 tixs pls. (P.S: Are there entry rickets or discount coupons)
  9. I am like u... Have good experience in freshwater planted tank! Like others said u need to get you plans straight, what you want! Be reminded that compared to fresh water marine isn't a cheap hobby 1) Equipments needed is much more than Freshwater 2) Marine salt isn't cheap 3) Electricity consumption is quite high. All the equipment for salt water will consume lot of electricity. All this boils down to lot of money! My idea is not to scare you, but just to make u prepared!!
  10. No reply!! I wanna ask the same... How effective is Az-No3 does it work! & how expensive it is, if you wanna maintain good No3 levels in you tank!
  11. Thanks for ur reply.. My itch problem seems to be better now.. still not fully recovered. What fishes do you keep? Would love to see ur setup? Why don't you post some pictures!! Cheers Sanjay
  12. Took some more pix. Hope i can hear some comments & suggestion! Spotted Mandarin (so hard to take picture of this guy!) Bali Sea Star Long Nose Hawk Fish Distant View Of My Low Tech setup My Overflow Chamber
  13. Discus have been reserved.. pending collecting.. Thanks everybody
  14. My fishes are healthy except lately a bit of white spots cause i introduced a blue tang last week! It should disappear in 1 or 2 weeks hopefully. i used to feed 2 cubes of frozen food.. one in the morning & one at night. & some pellets for tangs & angel Do 5% water changes weekly. but because of that my nitrates was about 40-60ppm.. so cant keep any corals except mushrooms. Last 2 weeks i have cut down feeding by half... half cube morning & balance half at night. & increased water change to 10% weekly. will wait few weeks before testing the nitrates again.
  15. Thanks FreeWillie, Will take some more picture in the weekend!!
  16. Wow!! Only 5% women, i guess only guys are interested in this hobby!!
  17. Opps... yeah forgot about the copper band Using a reef octopus DNW-110, upgraded from Wiepro 2011 abt 2 months back! No chiller, no high end equipments.. Just using a 36W X 2 PL lights & fan for cooling!!
  18. Thanks Jameshong, Yeah its ideal for ppl who wanna try their hand at discus. These fishes have been with me for more than a year & wanna sell to reduce the bio-load.
  19. Thanks for the Reply! For me , i gave up on green mandarin, now have to be satisfied with spotted. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=79085&hl= Heres how my tank looks.. Not much to see...no corals only rocks & fish... My tanks not good enough for corals... i guess
  20. Would love to have suggestions & comments Since i am new-bie..be a bit soft with you critiques. Now i know how hard it is to take fish pix...... Fishes: Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Flame Angel, Long Nose Hawk, Maroon Crown & Spotted Mandrin Inverts: 2 Skunk Shrimps, 1 Fire Shrimp & 1 Bali Sea Star
  21. Wow! Bro Nice setup... I have similar kinda tank, but unfortunately is just FOWLR, cause i am a newbie & couldn't maintain water quality! Can you tell us more about how u maintain it.. i mean water changes feeding etc etc... I even saw a green mandrin, How long have u kept it. I tried twice but gave up cause i dont have enough pods in my thanks & it refuses to eat commercial food. Really loved your tank... Cause not many people can afford to spend money on expensive equipments & high electricity bills.. Cheers Bro!!
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